School has started...

Aug 26, 2005 00:39

School has started and it is a load....very frustrating as well. Thursday was not a great day for me. I feel much better now and I am really looking forward to doing some good things soon! My dad is still doing great! I appreciate ALL of your prayers! God is amazing and does awesome things when you just ask him and believe that he will! Some more interesting news is that I have a new girlfriend! Those of you that know me very well know that I have been more patient the past year and half than I thought was possible! She is incredibly sweet and very strong in Christ! I am excited about the future but I hope school will get a little easier to deal with cause (thursday) sucked! BTW: sorry I haven't been around much lately to you guys who I am always has taking my free time away! I love you all!

well, I am tired and I need to go to sleep so I'll catch you all later!

In Christ,
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