Jul 09, 2005 18:56
So the mostly-Jewish all girls camp in Maine that drew me in with such an attractive website is quite deceiving. It's not so great. The staff (more or less) rocks (on a time-to-time basis). The girls are all spoiled rich little princesses and the directers are oddly reminiscent of Hitler.
It's my early night out with my day off tomorrow and yet, I'm still here. My ride to Boston left with a full car (one of those times when the staff aren't rocking so much). My plan is to rent a car tonight and drive aimlessly around New England until my curfew at 1:15 on Monday morning. Probably not such a good idea, but it sounds do-able, so I'm doing it.
I miss home. People need to call me and leave messages so I can keep in touch with the world outside Camp Vega.
That's all.