FAQ: The middle of the begining

Jan 06, 2007 23:25

The question comes: why ElJay?
See, my last post was the turning of the tide. I realized that my future problem's solutions were partially answered in my past. ElJay was part of my past, and I have good memories here. Here, it's about the people who have access to me. I can say whatever I feel like, and don't have to sensor the true me at all, and the people who will read it won't give a shit. Even if they really think I'm a stupid kid inside, I feel they have enough intelligence to respect my thoughts. I admire that.

That is something Xanga has not given me. I know everything I say on Xanga is watched, and if the slightest thing is disagreed with I know that certain people will reject me and have done so in the past. Here, there is no one. I have good memories here; it's a thought haven where I feel loved & safe.

Oh, dangerous internets, I, too, see why the childrens have become vulnerable to your charms.
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