Aug 21, 2004 00:31
Ok recently as many of you know I am working crazy amounts of hours this week and next woeek . Something to the effect of 60+ hours per week to be more correct. Today was rather hectic and slow day. Then at Compusa I forgot to copy a guys data backup to his machince and he was really pissed.
So feeling slighly disgruntled and very worn out I go out to my car and see that I have 5 missed calls on my phone from emilie. I called her back and she wanted to bring me brownies that she had made for me.
Yes at 9:45 pm my girlfriend came over with brownies to my apartment. I knew I was in for a real treat when I answered the door when she had on a denium skirt, knee high 3 inch boots, black nylons and black tee shirt.
I was in bliss.
Could it really have gotten any better?
She also gave me a massage too!
I know there is at one being I worship out there and it is known as Emilie!