(no subject)

Jun 26, 2002 21:18

I went to Dayton last night, and got back this afternoon. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED! I LOVE those people!!! lol. Karen and I scheduled it quickly, simply saying, I'm coming, I'll stay with her, and then she was telling ppl that I was coming. So I told Katie, and then Karen took care of telling Clint and 1322 and Jason, etc. So I get there, and of course Karen and I are just jabbering away, then Katie joins us, then Jason and Tim, and eventually Clint. We head to Applebee's, where I had the best dinner I have had in a long time!! We were at two different tables, so Katie and Jason sat together, and then the other 4 of us... and MAN!!! lol, I had an awesome time. Telling fun stories about work, informing Clint of numerous little health tips I'd heard about, and us just having a blast! Afterwards, we went to 1322, and just chilled, where Brian Baddorf and Paul joined us. FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN. I couldn't stop smiling. I can't now just thinking of our fun! Eventually we all headed to our homes, and Karen and I sat up talking until about 5 AM! About anything and everything. I had told Brian before that one of the biggest things I missed over the summer were my girl talks w/ Karen & Colleen, and with Kat. They're the type that go on for hours, and before you know it, it's 4 AM and none of you have started your papers! lol. Having that time with Karen last night was just incredible. I loved it! I laughed so hard, Karen made me cry, and all in all, when I left UD today, I knew that when it comes down to it, your true friends will always be there for you. They are the ones that you call at 3 AM crying b/c of something someone says, or at 4:30 b/c you had another nightmare about whatever, and the ones that you know you could call if something happened and you just needed someone. The true friends are the ones that you tell all of the little details to, and thankfully, that's where they stay, is between the two of you. And I have to say that usually, the true friends are the ones that you have the best laughs with. At any rate, I had an incredible time in Dayton. Tim, Jason, Katie, Brian, Paul, Clint, Karen--Thank you so much!!! Karen, I doubly thank you for our wonderful talk, the laughs, and of course our "power of woman" stories. ;o) lol lol lol. I don't know when I'll be in Dayton next, but I certainly look forward to it. And if nothing else, I move it ~Aug. 8th, and look forward to having a laughter filled 5th (and final) year! lol. I love you guys!

Got home, and remembered that I don't have to work until noon tomorrow! ALRIGHT! lol. I was SKEEVED!!! (get that, Karebear?) lol. and then of course I go pick up Brian from the airport. And to think, up until yesterday, the most exciting news I had was about a wedding and that there were tigers on TV. Now, I can tell him about all of the wonderful topics of our dinner convo. lol. what a riot!
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