Jan 05, 2005 09:59
Hello all!
The next time I see you all, I will really see you. With my own eyes! I got LASIK done yesterday, and everything this morning is newer and brighter. I have 20/20 vision in my right eye, and -1.00 refraction in my left which is about 20/40, but that is supposed to get better as it heals. Before I had over a -6.3 in my left eye! For those of you fellow glasses and contacts wearers you know how bad that is! :-)
Anyway, the procedure itself was not really that bad. I think the sounds creeped me out more than the actual thing. Basically, for those of you who don't know, a machine cuts a flap in your eye. Then the doctor pulls the flap back (cringe) and a laser reshapes your eye. The doctor then puts the flap back down and swabs it with some stuff to make it stay, and voila! you are done. It only took about 7 min total for both of my eyes. Amazing, huh? Recovery is only 3 days!
Of course, me being me, I had to almost pass out after the surgery. Apparently I had a very common vasavagal (sp?) reaction which is the same sort of things that happens if you give blood. Apparently there is a nerve that runs along your spine, and when you mess around with nerves in your eye, or you give blood or whatever, it bothers this nerve. Your blood pressure drops quickly and you feel faint. No worries though! I recognized all the signs, seeing as I've almost passed out twice before when giving blood. Twin, who was with me and who got to view the surgery, went and got the nice eye doctors to help me.
Overall I'm soooo pleased. It's really incredible what technology can do. I still can't believe that I'm looking at this computer without contacts. For all of you incredibly lucky folks who have good vision - recognize that you are lucky! Be grateful!! You have no idea what a precious gift it is to wake up and be able to read your alarm clock without fumbling for your glasses first.
Anyway, since I've been spending a great deal of time in traffic with various eye appointments, I've been listening to a lot of radio. This morning I heard a sad statistic: apparently the greater a woman's IQ, the less chance she has of getting married. Some study was done. I guess that's due to men's stupidity. I mean, if a woman is really smart, clearly she is not going to date a dumb man. And seeing as there are waaaaay more dumb men out there than smart ones, the pool of eligible guys is tiny. Then you have to take out my dear friends, the homosexuals. What the hell is left for women with high IQs??
Also, it's clear that many men are totally intimidated by smart women. I actually knew this guy who advised I act "a little stupid" so I could "get a guy." What the hell is that about? Apparently despite all the advantages a modern woman has today, if she's clearly intelligent, men perceive her as unattractive. Ouch. Is it really that scary, my male friends? Having a woman who may be potentially smarter than you? Does this somehow decrease your manhood? (By the way, I saw an ad at the doctor's office for a pill for "natural male enhancement." How freakin' hilarious! The guy in the commercial got a promotion and bought a new car - all apparently due to having a large penis. Who knew??)
I would think that in the long run, having a smarter wife would benefit. But that's just me....Glad to know some men who don't fit this pattern! :-P
That is something that has always amazed me. I mean, looking at married couples that I know, it's obvious who has the control: the WOMAN. Yup. Who deals with the finances? Who deals with everything involving the children? Who cooks? Who cleans? Who works 24/7, at home & at the office? I mean, honestly, what husband even chooses his own clothes? :-) Can you color coordinate by yourselves? Maybe I'm just really biased since my dad would do nothing but sit in his chair and drink beer when he got home from work whereas my mother comes home late almost every night, cooks dinner, cleans, and then *maybe* gets a couple of hours to herself.
It was funny to hear the DJs talk about this. One of them was saying that he thought he used to be smart, but then after 20 years of marriage, he believed his intelligent wife "dumbed him down" by making all the decisions. He freely admitted that he was just lazy and prefered her taking care of everything. He said there was some evolutionary set back in males to make them lazier than females, and something in females that made them natural control freaks. I personally think that this is a total cop out.
I am not a control freak!
Ok. Maybe I am. But does that make all men lazy? I mean, talking to some girlfriends they say that they want a man "to take care of them" but really, is that how it works? I wonder how many of their husbands will cook, clean, iron their own bloody shirts, or pick up the kids from school. For many wives, aren't their husbands just big kids that they have to watch along with the other munchkins?? There is so much more to being a husband than bringing home the "bacon."
Well, done with that rumination. I'd love to hear what you all think. And this is not a diatribe against men!! It's more against society. :-)
Love to all!