May 24, 2006 23:11
So today at school my mom got mooned by a seventh grader... While it's horrible and I feel bad for her, it's also pretty darned funny.
Last night I watched the PBS Frontline special on the sex slave trade. It focused a lot on Ukraine (they get sent to Turkey), and the port they are shipped out of is where I'm going on one of the weekend trips while I'm there. I'm thinking I'll go down to the port and try to save a lot of the women.
I got Chinese tonight!! MMM! My parents and I went out, and then we went shopping. I love shopping. It's so dangerous though. I bought a lot of shirts, a sweater, and a skirt. But I needed them for this summer. Then my parents bought me snacks and some other supplies for my trips. It was a really fun time. I haven't decided yet if it's lame or not that I'm enjoying hanging out with my parents so much...
My passport came today!! Now I can sleep again. It cost me a lot of money though.
I am still having crazy, long dreams. Last night's involved me running away scared trying to hide because people were going out looking for a criminal. And I think all he did was rob a bank? What's so scary about that? These dreams go on forever! It seems like hours.
WOW! Livejournal just messed up and I thought I lost my entry and I started to get really angry. Then I clicked update again, and lo and behold, this new autosave dealie had saved it! Niiiice.