Sep 11, 2008 09:41
I hate dumb nurses. Worse, I hate dumb lazy nurses. I came across a dumb lazy grad nurse who was new to the ward and complained constantly. I had to remove myself from her presence to stop myself causing her serious bodily harm.
She spent the entire first half of the shift and most of my dinner break bitching about how nobody on the ward would help her and how everyone on the ward was mean and didn’t care etc, etc. When zoning out her high picked whiney voice got to be too much effort I decided to give her a few handy points about surviving on the ward, such as have everything ready before asking for help, only ask people who aren’t actively doing things for help, say thanks when they do help... basic stuff she didn’t seem to get. It’s a busy ward and nurses rarely have enough time to do their work let alone other people’s.
After dinner I was sitting at the desk writing notes when she asked me to give some IV meds (I know you probably won’t help me but...). Because I had given her advice to shut her up and wasn’t really doing anything much I felt obliged to help. I checked the chart, found they were five hours late so asked her if she was sure she hadn’t already given them. Apparently she had forgotten up until now. They were weird ones so I had to go look them up before I mixed them and added them to bags. I came out to the desk to look for someone to check them and she was sitting there reading a magazine. I almost threw them at her, but was nice and restrained and just slammed them down on top of her magazine and told her to go finish them herself. Then I left quickly to do some busy work as to not injure my fist.
Later she asked me for help again when I was halfway through hoisting a patient. They were up in the hoist machine, legs dangling all over the place, fat oozing out around the sling, and me and another nurse struggling to push the massive weight the couple of steps to the bed when she stuck her head around the curtain and said “need a hand now, are you free?” Neither of us responded, we just glared. Some people need to be strangled for the benefit of those around them.