Keep on the sunny side

Jul 15, 2009 15:53

So, new Leverage tonight! I do love that show very, very much. Tyson is coming over, and I'm making quesadillas with the leftover London Broil and such. Should be tasty; I do enjoy quesadillas.

Tyson offered to give me another night to myself, which I think I'll take him up on tomorrow. I have a very full, very fun weekend ahead of me, and I will need some down time before getting into it. Besides, it'll be fun to watch the new Leverage with him tonight, since he loves it as much as I do.

It also sounds like we are getting a Wii. One of the guys we both knew in college (although we didn't know that the other person knew him at the time, if you follow me) is selling his barely-used Wii, two regular controllers, two nunchuck controllers (or whatever you call them), five games, and extra, nicer cables. Apparently, this is a $400+ value for $300, and we've been talking about getting a Wii. It should be fun, especially for entertaining and parties.

In other news, it seems I have once again decided not to deal with my emotions, and so they're going straight into my body, causing all sorts of problems. Aunt Flo is still in residence--she just stepped out for a few hours, but she's back now. Work is boring. And I am trying not to have a panic attack on a fairly regular basis. But, you know, things could always be worse.

tv: leverage, the boy, randomness

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