Can't Win for Losing

Apr 30, 2016 21:29

Can't Win For Losing
Author: enigmaticblue
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters; too bad, so sad.
Pairings/Characters: Jim Ellison/Samantha Carter, Blair Sandburg
Spoilers: Through the end of The Sentinel and S5.21, “Meridian”. Takes place soon after The Sorrows You Keep, and a part of my TS/SG-1 series.
Warnings: Major (canonical) character death
Word Count: 2028
Summary: Can’t win for losing, Jim thought, and wondered if their luck would ever turn around.
A/N: Written for the April Amnesty challenge for
hc_bingo, for the prompt “stranded/survival situation.”

FYI, this might end up being part of a longer story someday, and I'm definitely planning a long sequel, but I needed to post a crossover for hc_bingo, and I also needed to deal with Meridian. This is what happened.

can't win for losing, sg-1, hc_bingo, the sentinel, hold on hope

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