The Sorrows You Keep

Nov 29, 2013 21:49

The Sorrows You Keep
Author: enigmaticblue
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters; too bad, so sad.
Pairings/Characters: Gen-ish; Jim Ellison/Sam Carter
Spoilers: Through 5.11 of SG-1 and S4 of The Sentinel, a sequel to Hold On Hope
Word Count: ~34,000
Summary: Some scars weren’t visible to the naked eye.
A/N: Title from the Royal Wood song, “Tonight I’ll Be Your Guide.” (I couldn’t resist.) Written for the 
hc_bingo  for my wild card square and the prompt “post traumatic stress disorder,” and the 
trope_bingo  prompt “fake relationship.” For the record, I’m playing a bit fast and loose with the timeline of S5 of SG-1, but then we don’t always know how much time passes between episodes.

Posted on AO3 due to length.

sg-1, the sorrows you keep, trope_bingo, hc_bingo, the sentinel, hold on hope

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