Mar 10, 2004 21:19
So yeah, today I woke up with a 102 degree fever which was very uncool, though it excused me from school which was cool I guess. I think I'd rather have been in school however, because then I woulnt have had eight spare hours to sit around and think... thinking never does me any good and I do way too much of it. I had an insanely weird dream in which some guy I meet in college proposes to me and I say no because I dont have time for men if I want to focus on school... very weird and very un-ashley.
I then proceded to watch 3 hours of the style network and a Queer Eye for the Straight Guy marathon. Wow, i'm such a bum. Really sad... but hey at least I didnt have to endure double english or spend 30 minutes primping the the goddamn mirror at 630 am... hey, my dog loves me unconditionally.
See you kids tomaro.