can't touch this!

Mar 24, 2004 11:12

Hmm ok wow i am the most indecisive person in the world. So ive liked this one dude for like consecutively 3 wks, wow. So then today i decided, once again to say fuck it. You see i have this problem where if i sense that a guy i like has too many options for his own good, i start to grow disinterested bc i veiw the odds of their picking me to be slim to none, and theres just no fun in that. So then i proceed to ignore the person pretty much. So i guess that makes me, once again, a man.

So yeah i have "cant touch this" stuck in my head and i keep singing it and dancing and ppl give me strange looks. So i smile and nod and continue. Hey, everyone knows that they dance in front of the mirror and sing loudly and off key when no ones home. (Or in my case, when ppl are home bc i dont really care.) If you say you dont youre a liar. Or just no fun, either way.

So julie and i made this list. You're a liar if you say you dont...

1. sing in the shower

2. watch infomercials

3. still have your spice girls cd, and bust it out after a particularly good day

4. skip shaving for a week every month or so

5. get horny. especially girls.

6. primp in the mirror before school are care about how you look. we all do so stop the bull.

7. check out a real cute guy when your're on a date. oh please, girls arent that monagamous.

8.  follow the OC. I dont even watch it and i know whats going on.

9. read the headlines of those cheesy tabloids while you wait to cash out at the supermarket.

10. cry, especially boys.

alrighty kids i'm out. gotta go read some sparknotes... wow im so ambitious.

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