Title: Untitled
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Al x Roy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2781
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine and this is written purely for enjoyment purposes.
Warnings: Movie spoilers big time. Hence, if you aren't at least familiar with the end of the series, then you don't want to read this.
Summary: Alphonse
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Yeah, my mom had been having problems for several months, but nobody could figure out what was causing it. She thought it was her ulcer, because of the location the pain was coming from. But then she passed one of the stones into her pancreas, so that caused even more pain and they finally figured out what the problem was all along. She's doing much better now, thanks! ^^ She's even coming up to Penn State with us today.
Lol, I know! This icon was entered in a pairing icon contest and I just got it back yesterday, so the timing was really appropriate! XD (This one didn't win, but my other entry, a DantexRose icon, won first place, so I was happy! ^^)
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