
Oct 11, 2004 05:33

Alright… time for a good rant. Perani’s is PISSING ME OFF! Over 3 weeks ago I informed Ashley (the other manager at the Novi store) that I was going on vacation I would not be around to work this past weekend. 3 weeks, you would think that 3 weeks would be enough notice. Apparently it wasn’t. I was scheduled to work yesterday anyway. When I saw this I again told Ashley that I was not going to be here and that I would not be able to work that day. She said, “well what time are you going to be coming back from your trip?” I told her I really didn’t know but it might be early afternoon and we had talked about the possibility of me working the afternoon. HOWEVER, instead of changing the schedule to just the afternoon she had me working ALL DAY. I again told her that this was not possible and crossed myself completely off the schedule for that day. There wasn’t another word said about it until Sunday when I received 3 voicemails. I had called Ashley that morning and told her that I would not be able to come in at all because I had to re-shingle part of our roof and help my parents redo our kitchen and pull the boat out of the water for the winter. My dad has bad shoulders as many of you know so he can not do the roofing and is not any good for moving things in the kitchen and mom can’t do it all by herself. These were legitimate excuses, especially considering some of the ones I have heard come out of Ashley’s mouth. Now, the voicemails. The first was from Ashley saying that I didn’t have a choice and that I had to come in and that she absolutely could not be there to cover. Her reason? She had to attend a tryout for a team, not to try out mind you… but to watch. Now I don’t know how many tryouts any of you have been to but a hockey tryout is NO LONGER then 2 hours, and are normally about a hour to a hour and a half. So of course she needed the full 8 hr shift off… Make sense to you? Now I know what you are thinking. I’m just being a drill sergeant hard ass who wants everyone to spend every waking moment at work. That is not the case. I have already given up a lot for this damn job. This past Wednesday I was scheduled from 2-10, this is after posting a schedule that said that I need to be out by 8:30 or 9 Monday and Wednesday for hockey. Ashley was supposed to work the whole day with me but Dan and I had started a project the night before and wanted a chance to finish it so we had arranged that me and Dan would work from 2-6 then Ashley would come in with me till I had to leave then she would close. Then she called back and said that she would just come in at 9 to close for me. So she had just gone from coming in to work with me at 6 (when Dan was leaving) to not coming in till 9 and I would have to be there by myself for 3 hours. Dan and I finished our project and he left about 6ish at which time I proceeded to run around like a chicken with my head cut off for 3 hours trying to run a busy store by myself. At five minutes to 9 I hear my cell ring in the office but was busy so I couldn’t answer it. Once I finished with my customer I went and checked my voicemail. It was Ashley. She said that she was “stuck at dinner” and that she wasn’t going to be able to come in at all. How do you get stuck at dinner? And moreover, how do you get stuck at dinner when you know all day that you have to work at 9??? So yeah, I had to close the store by myself and I missed my off ice training for my hockey team. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I tried to call her back to tell her that she needed to come in because I had hockey to go to and she turned off her phone. Cute huh?? My friends, this is nothing compared to the madness that happens there every week. And that is just our store… the latest “change in policy’s” have pretty well screwed us over and nobody seems to care. I am absolutely sick of all of this.
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