SMVL: A wandering

Nov 11, 2009 21:29

In the beginning, it’s easy to
                                                                        forget where he’s been and only
remember he comes from. His life is full of saves
and darkness and it’s welcome, because it’s
nothing of light and humanity.

When the future comes back and he’s face to face with a
                        Lois Lane his heart stops
and suddenly his dark is too dark and
                                                                        her light is so
perfectly his.

Clark Kent is dead, for a little while, but with
                                                her back in his world
it’s so hard to stay away from the tilt of her head and the ink
on her fingers where she likes to
forget the pen in her other hand.

It can’t be love, not when he’s
with her because they have been
through too much and their foundation is not
                                                of love and hope but
annoyance and desperation.

His other half meets her for the first time, and then it’s too
many. Her life is like life and it keeps him
                        sane when all else seems to drive him
back to madness and black shirts. So when he kisses her, like
his other half won’t, he flies.

He loves her.
                                                                        He loves her.
And she loves him, or him. And for a while it doesn’t matter,
he even enjoys it, but soon it burns
                        and consumes him so completely he aches.

There is no one like this, like her, and he’s known it since the moment
he found her sitting at the
 grave. And there are moments, short
                                                                        ones where he thinks, maybe, just
maybe she thinks of him like this too.

He takes her love where he can find it. He swallows it
whole and keeps it with him with every save, every innocent. He’s
invincible, utterly good in her eyes
                                                and it fills him solidly and makes him

The first time he breaks her heart, it’s on
                                                                                                     accident, honestly. When
                        Clark Kent has to pick up the left behind pieces is
when he sees the light at the end of the tunnel and even if it’s selfish
he’ll do it, because he needs her love too.

II. (after)

When he says it first, really says it under a dark sky and no moon, she thinks
it’s a joke and dismisses it with a
laugh. But he’s not lying and his breath is warm and despite the
dark his eyes stare perfectly at hers and if he’s
                        waiting for an answer, he’s out of luck.

For a while after, life goes on as normal and meteor freaks are meteor
                                                freaks and work is work. She doesn’t think about
his declaration, about his eyes, not until she’s
alone and filled with remorse because he’s not the
                                                                                                man of her dreams anymore.

He is dark, dark and heavy, weighted down
                                                by something which reminds her of Clark and his
massive shoulders.
When they kiss it’s magic, all right and no wrong, full of wonder and
sparks that blow her mind.

Every now and then she feels guilt in
the way he looks at her when he thinks she’s not looking. Every now
and then instead of belonging to
a superhero, she belongs to  him and
                                                it feels like home, sweet home.

It’s raining, of course it is and her car
is her enemy and the person she ends up calling is him, ‘Ol
Faithful. He laughs at her
                                                                                                                        pout and
when the thunder cracks, so do her lips against his.

She doesn’t want to talk about it, not
when she doesn’t know what
                                                                        it means. So her life goes
                        on like before with her heart in
                        two places of comfort.

They’re stuck in an elevator, like in
                        the melodramatic tv shows and it seems oddly fitting
she be here with him, him
with her. So they talk without talking and when
they finally start moving, he gives: It’s alright Lois, I understand.

When he flies up in red and blue
is when she knows for sure her heart has
                        burrowed in one place and not
the other. He’s gracious, holding her hand and breathing
into her hair that he’s glad for her.

She doesn’t say
                                                                                                I love you, too. Because
that would be sappy and not her style. So
                        for a time, she says nothing and let’s their
life go on as if nothing has moved her soul.

He’s at his father’s grave, in the middle
of December. She imagines she should be Chloe, but she’s not and
it’s hard to believe
that everything has changed between all of them
                                                so much so that she has become his rock and he hers.

Thank you for coming, he
says with a break in his words and she clings
                                                                        to his hand and rests her
cheek on his shoulder with a prayer on her lips.
                        Thank you, and he holds her.

When she says it, really says it under a dark sky and no moon, she
                                                thinks her heart will explode into
millions of pieces. His expression is astonished and
maybe it’s too late and perhaps the chance has gone and left her.
But he kisses her, kisses her hard.

fic:smallville, char:clarkkent, char:loislane

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