It's strange that I should fall into Welcome to Night Vale, since I don't do horror, whereas WTNV, well, it's more or less the entire substance of the show. Almost every episode has something that, were I dwelling on it (or if it was a visual medium), would be crossing my horror threshold. (Some of it did actually barge right through it, but... I'm still listening.)
I do like spooky, strange settings, and dark dry humour, so here I am.
Oh yeah, and there's also a gay protagonist. In a show that's not about being gay. It just is, as many things are.
I hope it won't go the way of Torchwood, but hey. Even if it does, we'll always have Arby's. ;-)
Portal 2 keeps kicking my ass. Puzzles are one thing, but dexterity isn't my speciality, ok? >.> I'm not used to keyboard navigation! Jumps! Speed calculation! Such a strange new world...
I don't want to say that I've dropped Person of Interest, because I stubbornly hope I'll catch up and get back into it, but... I'm having trouble starting on the catching-up process. The farther back one is left, the harder to muster the will to catch up.
I lack a squee buddy. A watch mate.
It's getting harder in general to be *into* a show the way I used to. Is it the lack of time? The cynicism and world weariness of so many fandoms come and gone?
I still get that warm fuzzy glow when I find a new fandom and - ok, touché - a new pairing, but it seems to last less. The warmth dissipates into the cold nothingness, leaving behind but the ashes of virtual pages and- anyway. Style contagion is one thing, but where's the gleeful fannish submersion d'antan?
Is this what mundanes feel like all the time?
What have I become?! >.>
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