Day 18

Oct 12, 2013 21:01

Did some massive grocery shopping.

How did my tiny innocent shopping list turn into a backpack-and-three-bags behemoth that I barely lugged home? And, of course, a huge dent into my bank account.

The worst thing is that I can see this only lasting a few days. Some of the stuff is long-term, sure, but the fresh stuff is always only meant to last a few days, and then I'll need to go grocery shopping again. (Possibly not for such a massive haul, though.)

I really don't know how Other People manage it. Maybe everyone fakes it, but still... what if Other People have It? The secret? >.>

As it is, I still can't find a way to manage healthy, fresh, life-affirming food, and also have time for fun stuff, and not pant with exhaustion at the end of it all. (My ideal would be for healthy food everyday, of course, and my minimal would be "more than every other day".)

I also hoovered my room and my bathroom. That has eaten up all physical energy, will have to do the bathroom *washing* (and especially mirror cleaning [1]) some other day.

Why not tomorrow, you might ask? My religion is against working on Sundays and religious holidays, so I've grown up with a strong mental instruction set of "we don't do chores on Sundays".

I have yet to fully make up my mind to how I feel about this, and I've certainly done some things like loading the washing machine and hanging clothes to dry, because that's not much of a chore, and because I was really pressed for time, but I still try to think of Sundays as dedicated to the spirit and mind, and not cram chores in them.

[1] Other parts of the bathroom are more hygienically important to clean, sure, but it's the clear, sparkling mirror that has the most visual impact, and thus the greatest impact on my mood, on that elusive "yay!" feeling.

Finally watched Person of Interest 3x02! Shaw <3

Reached the second to last episodes of Fringe season 4! I wonder if I'm ever going to catch up with the first 2 seasons, after reaching the dizzying heights of season 4.

Got back into coding stuff for Archive of Our Own. Conquered some of the easier Tag Wrangling issues, and even wrote automated tests for a couple of them.

On the whole, the day doesn't seem like such a loss, does it. It's just when I think of the next days, and all the stuff that's still to do, that I feel like an ant up a hill again. >.>

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