(I almost wrote "you think I deserve", and then thought what if you somehow think I deserve detention or something? Aaanyway.)
I badly need a holiday. I'd like to keep up with my promise to go somewhere new every year - preferably a country I haven't visited before - because I want to feel like I'm getting to explore at least a tiny little bit more of this enormous world I'll never fully know.
I would also like to meet with friends - that means you - whether we've met in person before or not.
Right now I'm so harangued by all this time pressing down on me, I'm thinking a lazy vacation rather than a frantic "try to see ALL the things" one.
I'm also thinking sun, but not in extreme unescapable amounts - sun and shade. Trees (parks, forests) and old buildings. Quiet, enough people to be lively but not suffocating crowds.
Date-wise: after 22 July.
And, of course, more than ever, money is sadly a concern, as are visas in certain parts of the world.
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