With only two episodes under my belt, I suppose I can't really call myself a Person of Interest watcher or fan yet, but I've enjoyed it this evening. I've used the second episode as some light watching after GoT.
It's odd - in a way I feel like I know these people, from Mouse's PoI reviews (and then randomly dreaming of them O_o), but when I look at how much canon I have in front of me, it's daunting. Two seasons, and I've only seen two episodes! The motivation - yes, fine, it's All About The Male Bonding - may be strong enough to keep me going. But 43 episodes to go, people, that's... daunting. And the day still only has 24 hours.
(One day I might find the time to type down the breakdown of those 24 hours, and how little actual "time" is left of them once each thing has taken its more or less rightful chunk. Not tonight though, because I'm already stealing from sleep's allotment.)
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