A long, long time ago I promised
persiflage_1 a ficlet as thanks for the Cabin Pressure ticket. I scrapped the first version, then came up with this. It's not beta-ed, for which I profoundly apologise, but I'm a bit superstitious and I don't want to enter the new year with debts. :o)
Happy New Year, Michelle and all of you!
"Hurry, Doctor, the police are coming this way!"
The Doctor seemed genuinely confused, and stopped instead of rushing.
"The police? What's the police doing here?"
"Chasing us, Doctor?"
"Oh, you meant those guys. Those are not policemen - well, obviously, since they're not men - police... persons. They're not that. 'Police' denotes a legitimate authority, while these are-"
"Doctor, we don't have time for semantic subtleties! They'll be here any moment now!"
"Oh, they're here already, look!"
Martha turned to look at the end of the alley. The police-whatever they were had their backs on them, but they'd be turning around any moment, with their scanners...
"A distraction," she said. "We'll need a good distraction."
The Doctor was poking at a seemingly compact wall with his sonic screwdriver, and looked rather distracted himself.
'Well,' Martha thought, 'nothing wrong with the classics.'
She grabbed the Doctor's hand and turned him around to face her, then she kissed the surprised 'O' of his mouth. He didn't exactly pull away. His arms came to rest on her back, lightly and fleetingly like butterflies.
After an interval that was a bit longer than was strictly required for diversion-related purposes, she released him and pulled back. The Doctor looked a bit amazed.
"What, ah, what was that for?"
"What are kisses usually for with you, Doctor?"
"DNA transfer, distractions to turn away people who are chasing us... Ah. Those are robot guards. They don't perceive distractions the way we do."
"Worked though, didn't it?" she asked, allowing a bit of smugness to inform her voice.
"Not for the reasons you think," the Doctor replied, an equally playful teasing in his tone. "They're rather primitive down here, no DNA scanners or any such stuff. They have heat sensors. Scan for anything not at human body temperature. I'm slightly colder than you lot..."
"So I've noticed..."
"...And you were, ah, masking my temperature for their sensors."
"Ah, was that all I was doing?"
"They couldn't distinguish between the two signals. Primitive technology, you see."
"Right. That's always the problem with people who give off mixed signals," she said, looking at him pointedly.
The Doctor abandoned the faux-naive expression and returned the look. His eyes were sparkling from under his disarrayed hair.
"Are we still talking about the guards, Martha Jones?"
"Of course, Doctor. What else would I be talking about?"
"You can't really increase a Timelord's body temperature by getting him... hot and bothered, you know. Takes a lot to give us a fever, and it's usually not good things that do it."
"Hm," she hummed noncommittally.
"And this was. A good thing, I mean," he said softly, biting his lips. Before Martha could say or ask anything else, he was moving and buzzing again. "This diversion won't give us much time, however, so back to plan A! I was going to find the secret opening in this wall, you see, and get us through the secret corridor to the control chamber..."
She followed him through, as she always did.
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