Latest FaiLJ. 68 pages of comments and counting. It's like the good old days! (There are also surprisingly few macros, and a surprising unanimity against failbook crossposting of comments.)
The following doesn't remove the privacy concerns about other people, accidentally or not, reposting their comments on your entries, it just removes the eyesore from your sight, or the useless radio button and checkboxes from your tabbing order:
.b-repost-item, #fblo {display:none;}
Add this to your
Custom CSS. This probably only applies if you're using custom comment pages and are viewing other journals in your style.
You could also add it to a custom style sheet in your browser, if your browser has this feature (like Opera does ;) ).
I don't use Greasemonkey, but other people have offered fixes using it:
I am bitterly amused that this was the very first comment on the news post, too.
If you prefer Dreamwidth, you can
reply or
read the ![](
comment(s) there.