Heroes 3x05

Oct 14, 2008 21:03

*boggles and stares* I'm not sure if that was a gigantic mindfuck or just a simple "Fuck!"

It was certainly a giant "fuck you" to whatever was left of Hiro's character. I mean, dude. No frakking way the Hiro we knew would have done this. Maybe with more preparation[1] of character derive I'd have bought it, but even with the massacring that took place this season I still declare this an enormous instance of shark-jumping.

[1] Now it becomes obvious that they think the rift introduced by Hiro seeing future!Ando zapping him was enough preparation. Self-fulfilled prophecy, more like it. Because if the Company resurrects Ando with a little infusion of Claire blood (and perhaps injects him with a bit of formula?) I doubt future!Ando would hesitate anymore... I know I wouldn't.

The title, Angels and Monsters, seems a bit ironic after the episode, since the "angels" are all false, while the monsters are real. (That's probably not what they meant, and I agree that Vortex Guy was not the monster they thought he was.)

Many people have correctly suspected Parkman Sr. of being responsible for the mind manipulation (Still, who healed Nathan? Or does he only *think* he's been healed? Or did everybody only think he'd been shot in the first place? Or do *we* only think we've seen a tv series with this content? :D) but no one that I know of suspected that the undead Petrelli Sr. was behind the bigger mindfuck picture.

Other mindfraks: Nathan's power is the result of the formula! Didn't see *that* one coming at all. So only Peter and Gabriel are genuine Petrelli articles? :D Also, this reminds me of Linderman's saying that the Company was behind Niki and DL and Micah's existence as well, so this would show some planning. [2]

The Vortex scene with Claire was such a Doctor Who flashback, with two semi-Doctors to save Claire. Sylar to the rescue!! :D

Mohinder's sinking into monsterness was less surprising than Hiro's, because one can always blame his altered state of mind as added circumstance. He never thought well in the first place, much less now. But Maya? I suspect this is not the end of her though, since they kept the victims in Wraith-like cocoons in suspended animation.

What else? Oh, yes, now there's Meredith to save too. Ew, Gluttony kidnapped her.

[2] OTOH, I can't believe a lot of planning went into this series, since you can now hear the wheels squeaking by how hard they're working on changing EVERYfuckingBODY around. Good guys go bad, bad guys go good, except for those who go badder. Whee, brilliant writing. Meh.

tv shows, heroes

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