Meet kitty:
We're still undecided about her name, and by we I mean the kitty and I. I'm toying with naming her Sally Sparrow, because she's clever and pretty and cautious, and dirty like a pirate (in my fanon Sally Sparrow is descended from the more famous Captain Sparrow). [1]
I picked her up from the street, right in front of work, where she appeared some weeks ago. In fact, the first day I came to work after returning from the States she appeared to me, mewling pathetically and begging for food. After Lisi, I wasn't going to rush into adopting another cat, but I'm a cat person through and through, and it was a bit like
dadi said, that a kitty would choose me. I melted when I heard her mew, I debated for a couple of tormented weeks and finally decided that since I was going to bring her food regularly, might as well do it in a warm home. (She was getting food from various people, but not enough as not to be hungry like a wolf for anything I gave her. Even now she's still eating as if she's not sure there's going to be a next meal.)
She played hard to get, though. ;) I had to enlist the help of the cat-loving neighbour (same neighbour who looked after Lisi) to capture her and place her in the carrying cage. This happened yesterday.
Now we're getting used to each other. One thing I'm currently cooing over her for is that she immediately understood the purpose of the litter box. Also, she didn't need telling that she can sleep on the armchair, but that's a natural cat trait. :D
[1] No matter how pretty she is, she will not be named Dorian, and no matter how fierce, neither will she be named Iron Klaus. For once, because she's a she. For second, it's one of the lost commandments, commandment #9¾, Thou Shalt Not Name Thy Pets or Kids after Thy Current Fannish Obsessions.
Fannishly, I continue to be so pwned by From Eroica with Love it's funny. :D There's a metric fuckton of crack in every issue, and whatever Aoike Yasuko was smoking, I want some. Luckily I was able to pass the crack on to
direaliete, so we can giggle and cackle and make bad puns over Skype together. (Don't you pity her, because she gives as good as she gets, and I'm currently sitting with the complete Death Note collection, ready to pounce on me from my computer.)
Last Monday
lilalo was finally able to step into my humble abode again, and we watched the uncut version of Razor. Woohoo! Battlestar, I missed you so. Not delving into a spoilery discussion here, but dude. I want the next season now.