Yesterday started awesome: I read my email from
_nightelf and then giggled to myself around the toothpaste debating whether Kiro or Hensei should be the right smushed name for Kensei/Hiro. :D
Which brings me non-subtly to the point - whee, new pairing! As if I needed more enemy slash to my list... It's weird when you get that warm fuzzy feeling that a new fandom or pairing brings, but the pairing itself is of the doom and gloom variety. Ah well. Bring on the heartbreak!
American notes: it's interesting to follow the spreading of Christmas decorations in the neighbourhoods. Commuting condemns us to a rather monotonous itinerary, but noticing new lights on well-known houses adds an element of surprise. :) I had no idea how spread the habit is - I mean, sure, movies and tv shows, but these are real people. (And sometimes real terrible blue neon reindeer, but that's another story...)
Wash machines and their lack of settings precision kind of suck though. I now have a tight blouse where I used to have a nicely fitting one, and really tight pants instead of comfy.
Not having a light source from the ceiling is also annoying sometimes, when the lamps (both with that ever-annoying too-close-to-the-bulb switch-knob!) just don't cut it.