Numb3rs season finale

May 19, 2007 17:34

What the fragging frak of a frakking frag, what?! *flail, roar*

I just... WHY? I don't frakking GET it. What was the fragging point? Had they planned this from the frakking beginning or have they decided that they needed something BIG and DRAMATIC for the finale to extract a reaction from us (which they succeeded, judging from my friends page)?

And I really liked the episode up to a point, it was so intriguing and exciting and alert, what with CHARLIE OMG and DON and cryptography!, and then. Then!

Was it on purpose, so we'd really know what a punch in the gut it is when one of your friends turns out to be a frakking Cylon SPY?


What I wanted from the finale (apart from the obvious Eppes family) was: happy Larry and Megan. What I got? Depressed!Megan, no Larry.

OK, the final family scene was love, but... But.

I guess I'll have to settle for the angsty!Charlie post-Colby/Charlie fic.

Bad Numb3rs, no frakking cookie from me.

On another note, Charlie totally had to live through one of my worst nightmares, which is being forced to take an impromptu exam. (No farther than last night I dreamed we had to solve a couple of algebra questions - which I did - and a geometry problem - which I completely failed to notice or approach - when going to vote in the referendum. Yeah, I know, the meds. Shush, you.)

ETA: OK, two more comments: Charlie saving Ashby with science was LOVE, as was Don figuring out the music scale thing.

And I hope they go into more detail over what happened with Megan, now that they've been renewed for one more season.

I hope the whole thing was not just a setup so they could renew the cast for the 4th season. (Megan quits in a fit of depression and goes to live philosophically ever after with Larry in the heart of the mountains, Colby is sent off to prison [oh, PTB, please make him a double-double agent! In the name of all that's sweet and merry, make him actually a spy for the US pretending to be a spy for the Chinese!] and David goes to Larry's vacated room at the monastery to mend his broken heart, and they bring three new actors to replace them.)

tv shows, numb3rs

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