Typed last night, brought to work on a flash disk, and all praise the Coincidence Lords that are allowing me to update at work.
First? Lilalo is an angel (saint? martyr? really, pick and I'll praise).
Second, she was right, I did start with BSG. ;) Not for the reason she thought though, and it was for the better, because the potential reason wasn't even in the episode. :P It was because of the title, and a vague intuition of what BSG might do with the concept. And I was right! I liked it well enough. I even jumped out of my chair and did a little ritual dance around the house after the episode, to discharge any energies before watching the next one.
The sound was sort of screwy so I first thought the voice had said "Baltar... this is Baltar..." I should have known it was impossible, but boy, did it give me hope!
Dude! Is the Six/Baltar/Xena threesome canon or what? You gotta love this show. I was staring and kept waiting for Six to become Chip!Six, but no, it looks like we have the first as-good-as-acknowledged threesome in any of the shows I'm watching. (I may be a traitor, but I still think of Doctor/Rose/Jack as more fanon than canon.)
Tigh really went all over the spectrum, didn't he? First ratting out Adama (he had as good as warned him, though), then saving him and seemingly going through some sort of acceptance/healing process.
Starbuck going to Tigh with her suspicions - is their newly found "bond" still working? I had assumed it was only anger and insanity giving them a common ground, but now she came to him with her theory, and not to Adama. Hmm.
As a first observation? the beginning of this week's Torchwood felt so much like a Supernatural episode that I had to ask myself if in my hunger and confusion I hadn't queued SPN instead of Torchwood by mistake.
Later: Oh my Thor, it really has been a Supernatural episode! Gwen is paraphrasing Dean, if not word by word, then idea by idea! Well, up until the end. Heh. (Was there supposed to be a bit of suspense at the end, btw? While we're wondering if it's Jack or Owen with Gwen? Poor Rhys, doomed to a Mickey-the-idiot fate. It was kind of obvious, since they were setting up Gwen-as-Rose. Though if they follow it fully through, he may reserve some surprises... but nah, Torchwood is too direct for that. :P)
And I have to wait until tomorrow to see if the fandom went asplodey. Oh, the woes of the internetless... (I still don't quite like Owen, btw. I think we're supposed to be on the fence about him, but even if we aren't, I am.)
Also, Jack's triumphant entry and the shoot-a-palooza of kneecap-and-wrist shots? Pure, gratuitous fan service, and what glorious service it was! A tiny bit of Jack backstory! And because it's Jack, even a PhD in torture is OK. After all, he can share it with Ronon.
Pseudo-ETA: They're trying for some character continuity! Mentioning Lisa, and Ianto not being all right again and comfortable with the team, the Gwen-Owen thing on one hand and the dissolution of Gwen and Rhys's relationship having been built up for more than one episode. Gives me hope that they're going to address other loose ends too.
Ianto keeps rocking. "I took the liberty." Heh. ♥
And speaking of countrycideside, loved the clouds over the episode, and the gloomy landscape in general. :D
And what, what is Enigel watching next?
on the grounds that I've been waiting weeks for Atlantis already, so what's one hour more? While I had to see what happens at the Homecoming nownownow!
Haa! I was sure Peter would borrow Claire's powers to get himself out of that delicate position he was in in the painting. :> I hadn't foreseen he would be mistaken for the murderer though. O_o I'm kind of sick of heroes put in this situation actually. :D
Little Evil Pixie, who in the last episode turned out to be Little Morally Tormented Pixie, finally put her powers to some good use.
Hiro! Hiro! He was right not to stick around for the cheerleader thing, since somehow he already fixed his absence by telling Peter so he could be at the place and all that head-hurting[1] time-travelling stuff, so he's free to try and save Charley.
[1] because if we start with the questions like "but if he met her at her birthday she's have recognised him in the first place! so if she didn't, and he's only changing the timeline now..." - see, headaches. So we're going to do like Ando and just... wait.
Nathan. Did whatever a brother would do, but luckily Simone got surprisingly along with the program - good girl! Finally I can like her for more than her looks :P - though I sort of suspect it was out of sheer spite towards Nathan.
Oh, btw, where have I read that "homecoming queen chosen by the freak vote" thing before? Don't tell me it was in Carrie. *shudders*
So Sylar didn't feel the powers, he just read about them and trusted any source? Loser. :P
And we still don't know how saving Claire equals saving the world, so plenty of mysteries ahead. (Every week I give a sort of silent prayer to the tv show deities that LOST people aren't right, and Heroes isn't like LOST. I don't think I could bear mysteries that drag on and on and on and on - one Twin Peaks is enough. I'm already going crazy about the stuff they've launched so far - for example the complicated stuff about future!Hiro. So if he could barely recognise Peter "without the scar, it means sometime in the near? far? future Peter's going to *get* a scar, and a nasty one if it makes him almost unrecognisable. And why only far-future!Hiro could notify Peter about the "save the cheerleader" message? Maybe it's a future that will become un-realised by saving Claire? So we might not get scar!Peter and samurai!Hiro after all? Somehow I doubt it, but then... So our Peter told our Hiro where future!Hiro is supposed to would have given him the message [I feel a Adams-esque combo of tenses cooking], and Hiro's supposed to use this info far into the future. Aagh, quote what I've been saying about headaches and let's leave it at that.)
(Don't get me wrong, I think saving Claire is a good enough purpose in itself, but it's been hammered as "save the cheerleader, save the world", so I wanna know why. Also, I tend to agree that Hiro would know this because he's already seen the timeline where Claire *wasn't* saved.)
Peter! Good going, boy. That's what a hero does, goes out there despite having seen his death in Isaac's painting. After all, we've seen Isaac's paintings "lie" about things before - not exactly lie, but not reveal the whole nature of the truth they're figuring.
I was sort of WTF about "Jessica" at first, because I got used to her *being* Niki. Getting her own first name seemed... weird. And now Niki's the one looking out from inside the mirror.
Micah! I like the kid more and more, but ouch, mommy's even more far gone than you think, kid. Maybe Niki made her miss, though? :D
Mohinder - still hot. Is he going back to NY because of what pshychopomp boy showed him or because Ambiguous Pixie convinced him before he left? :P
Poor Isaac - still hot, still underused. Is he ever going to quit drugs?
And aw, Peter and Ando feeling like they're nothing without any "real" hero around. (I'm curious how borrowing Niki's power might look like, though. Would he borrow a Jessica or would an evil!Peter emerge? And what would be his name? [Nathan, a naughty voice from the audience says. Tsk-tsk-tsk.])
And now, ladies, gentlemen and those of you who still have to make up your minds...
Stargaate Aaaaaatlantis!
Three minutes in and I'm already in love with Shep all over again. You know, as good as BSG may be, as hot and awesome as Heroes is, there's something about this series that makes me squeak just because I'm seeing the guys. Ah, I'm sure you have no idea what I'm talking about...
I wasn't wrong in keeping SGA "pour la bonne bouche" ;) [~ saving the best for last]
"Plan F, as in we're all..." Oh, Jack, how could I ever stop loving you? You went off-screen, that's what happened. If only you'd bring Daniel on Atlantis with you! Damn, I forgot you got canceled and things will never be the same again.
Cool stuff with the rewinding too! I was sure they kept something from us because of the smug way they pretended to be heart-broken over the C-4 being found, and a bit from the great joy they were taking in mocking poor Woolsey. (Has the fandom suffered a growth of Jack/Woolsey fics, btw? :D I'm not exactly looking. :P)
And it shouldn't have been so funny, but Jack's "the dramatic element of... suspense" is so funny.
Rodney "oh, not again!"
Jack taking a swim, cheerfully convinced by Rodney!
Differences about the concept of obvious!
Teyla teaming up with Carson! *draws little hearts in the air* Teyla shoots her way in, and Carson's all "Thank you. dear!" And this time Carson's swimmers hit the target. :D
Ronon with Weir! Heheh.
And *of course* John with Rodney! "I won a drama award, could have made it a career" / "Wish you would have". Aw, that's love. And the head-smack, which in retrospect becomes all the more gratuitous!! Just... yeah, what we've been waiting for. *big wide grin*
And sweet Atlantis doesn't get to fly, again.
As a side note, dude! The last of the Ancients are really wiped out now, aren't they? I'm sure Rodney breathed a sigh of relief...
PS: Isn't it damn lucky they hadn't wasted any time mind-probing the Shep team and were content with the info from Woolsey? ;)