(no subject)

Mar 04, 2010 10:28

Decided to make my journal public again. Don't know why. I guess I figured that I don't even update this enough to make security and issue. Here's that empty promise again: I will try to update more. Whatever.

It's already midterm time at school. This semester has been pretty good. I have two classes with the professor, which gets really confusing, since she often forgets which class she's in and the content can be very similar. One is "Thinking Through Contemporary World Arts" and the other is "The Arts and Terrorism". A lot of the same people are in both classes too, which only adds to the confusion. I'm also taking "Baroque Art in Italy and France" and "Children's Lit". The latter I love, even though the teacher is kind of off. She's the kind that has one idea in mind during her lectures and won't really give much thought to another other idea. Also, when reading Where the Wild Things Are, she claimed that Maurice Sendak invented the word "rumpus" and it can mean whatever you want it to mean, which is a load of hooey that drives me crazy. Of course rumpus is a real word! No one even questioned it in class! Ok, so I didn't either, but I definitely fidgeted in my seat a bit when I heard her say it. A keen observer would have been have been able to tell there was something on my mind.

From several online dictionaries: rum·pus: n. A noisy clamor. *Sigh* I'm done now.

Besides by obsessing about word origins, the class is good. My assignment this weekend it to read Tuck Everlasting, which is the kind of assignment I like getting.

As Doctor Who doesn't start until next month, I've had to fill my time with other shows I've been meaning to watch. My new obsession is Buffy the Vampire Slayer which I can't believe I haven't watched sooner! It was on for seven years, but somehow I managed to miss it. It some ways its good because now I have all this new (to me) stuff to watch. And unlike those who watched it when it was airing, I don't have to worry about commercial breaks and waiting a week between two-part episodes. I keep thinking about that girl on Freaks and Geeks who says about a Grateful Dead album "I wish I had never heard it, so I could hear it again for the very first time." I have a feeling that once I finish it, I'm going to be pretty depressed that it's over. I also have 5 seasons of Angel that I borrowed from Virg. So much watching to do. After all the Buffy stuff, I still have to see Firefly. Yes, I'm pathetically out of touch with all things Whedon. All I've seen is Dr. Horrible and Serenity. My nerd credentials should probably be revoked. I'm fixing the problem though.

Random note to close on: yesterday I was sitting in the student union and there was a man sitting across from me breathing really loudly. I was sitting against the window of the bowling alley, listening to my iPod and I still could hear him. To make the noise even nastier, he was eating a sandwich and making a lot of smacky noises, and drinking a big gulp with lots of slurppy noises. He was also reading a Yu-Gi-Oh manga. And he had a full beard. Winner of the Weird People of SJSU Award!

rumpus, sjsu, joss whedon, buffy, noisy eaters

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