Old School

Apr 29, 2008 04:26

Believe it or not, my floor mates and I were watching OLD SCHOOL videos on Saturday (Don't ask me how THAT happened); You-tubing the Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, S Club 7 & Britney Spears' MTV and the works..singing along like groupies at an unearthly hour of 3.30am. Can you imagine if you were a guy and stayed next door to us? Fancy being awakened at 3.30am to a group of crazy girls belting out:

"Oh I will love you more than that
I won't say the words
Then take them back "
It was fun. Brought back a lot of memories during our/my younger days. Songs back then were so nice, with lyrics that promised sweet true love that will never end. Tunes that made you weak in the knees. Haha. Okay that was an exaggeration. Plus with those good-looking boy bands of that era, I totally understand why they were able to melt my heart when I was still considerably innocent. [not that i am way corrupted now,mind you]

Gone are those days of the boybands.

---End of swooning---

Skip this if you know me and you've already heard the full LIVE version.

As I said, there was a talent section in the contest, which obviously requires a display of talent. Not that I think that I am very talented and I want to be mean and criticize these girls, but the performances were seriously bad.

Girl who picked "Jian Dan Ai"aka [Simple Love] by Jay Chou who couldn't carry a tune for nuts.
Girl who played a nice Classical piece on keys and made so many mistakes. They didn't even have a keyboard stand and had to have 2 guys hold the keyboard for her.
Girls who could not dance and could not choreograph. They could shake their butts REALLY WELL. So good that I was impressed. Not too sure if they blew the judges away though.
Girls who "sang" and acted cute prancing around. *puke*
This girl was SERIOUSLY lacking talent that she came up onto stage, and proclaimed in a disgustingly sweet voice to something along the lines of, "My talent is to show you how I tame my boyfriend".

Like Seriously??
Yes. No kidding.

She then proceeded to humiliate her boyfriend and herself by exclaiming, SIT. To which her boyfriend sits.
ROLLOVER! To which he promptly does so as well.
PLAY DEAD. Obediently he complies.
DANCE! Need I type any further?

The whole auditorium was laughing AT THEM. It was SO BAD !!

There were some good ones I have to admit. One did a ballroom dance. One did a kungfu Chinese dance thing coupled with a fan. One girl's voice was really nice. And the rest didn't make any lasting impressions.


Q: If you could choose an Asian country to visit, where would it be a why?
A: I would choose Singapore cos they don't spit there! (in a high cute voice)

High cute voices is my pet peeve by the way.

*Puay and I narrow our eyes with irritation*


What are the colours of the Indonesian flag?
(a) Red and White
(b) Blue and White
(c) Green and White

*blank look*

Well ok I do have to give them a break considering if you ask me the colours of the flag of other countries (Those that are not big in soccer teams at least) I probably won't know it either.

Which country made it to the World Cup 2006?
(a) Thailand
(b) Japan
(c) China

*blank look*

Let me give you a clue. It rhymes with Lapan.
B. Japan??

By the way Daryl Wong, I googled, and I don't think China was inside at all....GOT MEH?!

So yeah that sorta sums up the worst of everything. What I can remember that is...
I did enjoy myself  though.


haha, boston

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