Rambles and Brambles

May 07, 2007 17:08

What the heck is 'brambles' ??

Caught Spiderman 3 yesterday. Surprisingly, despite it being only one week after it's release, I am like one of the lagging ones who have not caught the show. Main reason being Chris being away in camp. And getting good seats, not to mention at least a decent cinema, was rather difficult  considering that no booking was done.

Even after a phone booking was done by Chris, we arrived a little too late and the tickets has been released. Which is,lesson number one, why booking online is always better, although the fact that anything with the use of a credit card, debit is my case, is extremely risky. However do note that I have an extremely high sense of self-control.

Ha-ha. Aren't you convinced?

Settled for a later time slot that had proper seats.

Now for those who do not know, I absolutely do not consider any movie seats that are 5 rows from the screen. Just my simple rule. Hello use your brains, you are paying for a seat (not a very cheap one also) and you my as well sit comfortable right. Who in the right mind will pay to take the front row seat especially on good films like Spiderman or Lord of the Rings??

Well unless you are damnnn desperate. Which I have to confess, done the same as well. Watched a poor movie in an equally poor seat.

Don't even get me started on lousy cinemas. I have a list of banned i-will-never-ever-watch-a-movie-in-this-cinema list.

Well that's not the point. The point is that the guy at the counter told me that the seats he was given us was the 6th row from the front. Unless he is a retard and can't count to save his life, he would have to settle for something like, a liar.

It was the 4th row! I hardly think counting to 4 is difficult at all. Chris and I didn't even check the letterings for the seat which would have probably given us a clue to how close we were.

Now you're probably thinking I am over-reacting to something as trivial as the distance of the seat in the cinema, perhaps wishing that I would shut the hell up about whining about my pathetic seat cos it's nothing, and talk about something more useful.

ha-ha. yeah I am. Chris tells me I like to get mad over little things that no one can do anything about.

Hmm so fine, the seat were thankfully good and I enjoyed the show.

On to the movie!!!!!

I love every bit of it but gosh I can't stand Peter Parker. I was meanly laughing at him (my cheap thrill moments, get ready) at every loser-ly thing he did, getting such a kick out of the whole thing. Needless to say, I thought he was brilliant!! I was commenting to Chris that when he had his fringe combed down he looked like a sex maniac with the ruthlessness and cruelty in his eyes.

Ok. Sorry totally off the point.

Don't you find the movie having really cheesy bits with Mary-Jane? Ha-ha. I totally cannot stand the web thing the he spins. Its hilarious, not romantic. Ha-ha.

Apart from the cheesy bits, I thought the show was awesome. Chris certainly knows spidey's history well enough to keep me entertained way after the movie is over. I didn't even know that Spiderman died eventually in the comic! I bet you didn't too, unless you're some Spiderman fan.

Gosh I think Spiderman is better than Superman and of course Batman, anytime.
Did you know Batman got killed too?

It's such a family show! No vulgarities, no explicit sex scenes, but still managed to keep it full of excitement and still somehow manage to instill some family love thingy. ha-ha. Definitely the best out of the 3, perhaps because I was laughing my ass off throughout the 2nd. I still remember I went to watch it with Bev and Shaochun. hiaks. (Wasn't that ages ago??) Nah... I probably loved the villians more this time round.

This is way cool. All our childhood heroes are all going to the big screen. Superman, Batman, Hulk, Fantastic 4, Spiderman, X-men.. Now even transformers!!

I can't imagine this current generation's children watching their childhood heroes on screen in say, about 20 years time. What do they have now with all the Powerpuff girls and Wing's club nonsense??? Big-headed googly-gah-gah dolls that speaks like they inhaled helium permanently with a plot that I wouldn't even consider action at all.

Goodness it must be the medication. I feel like I am sprouting nonsense.

random nonsense, movie

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