Jun 25, 2020 14:40

If you want to be friends..
--We at least have to have 3 general interests in common that you could write essay's about. None of that, well, i kinda like that so I guess that's the same interest. NO! I am obsessed with everything. I either love it or i hate it. so BE INTERESTING!!
--Don't add me to have people on your list.
--Don't ask me to add you cause you want me to make you graphics. I have a graphics journal called coldbloodedonut where you can go to see my graphics.
--Now, i do enjoy meme's. Even i do them every once in a while. But if most of your entries are meme's, dont even bother asking me to consider being your friend.
--I need to know u from somewhere. i am scared shitless of you RANDOM PEOPLE! like, we have to at least have one mutual friend.
--And finally, im a comment whore. i absolutely LOVE coming to my inbox and seeing a bunch of comments from ppl. if ur not a comment whore urself, LEAVE THE PREMISES NOW.

i am pretty good with my friends page, but if u wanna TRY to be added, try. it doesn't mean i won't delete you later

If we used to be friends...
If you and I used to be friends and now all you see is this friends only banner, that means that i have deleted you and i have my own reason for why. The thing is that I don't think it's fair to have a cut list for everyone to see and i dont give options for re-friending because it was obviously not worth it. Please don't spam my lj with lots of comments why you hate me for deleting you. If I have deleted you, we are either not close enough to be friends on lj, or you are boring to read so i just skip your entries on my friends page, or we don't have enough "fun" conversations to even consider you a friend. You may comment on my posts and stuff every once in a while but I obviously don't care enough to pay attention to them. So, please delete me for I have deleted you. If you really want me as a friend, tell me why here. Maybe i missed something. *shrug*


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