i dont want to go back if there there is a possibility that i am going to die..

Jul 23, 2006 13:28

suddenly i am so scared.. my dad is telling me that by the end of the summer, if it gets too dangerous i wont go back. some of my family who is LIVING in the areas of israel that are being bombed, are being scared and thinking about moving south or to stay with us in boston until the threats die down.. i am just so scared..

my whole LIFE i have felt like nothing could touch me. EVEN THE SEPTEMBER 11TH TRAGEDY! it still didnt feel like it was real. no one i knew died. i just read stories in the paper..

and NOW? my family may die. my family may ACTUALLY die. and now i am worried that if i go back.. what if... i cant even say it..

my goal was not to worry you folks.. i just need to get this out there since it has been bothering me for a long time..

EDIT: this is my first war.. where it affects my personal life.. like whether someone i know or me will live or die..

EDIT: THIS JUST IN! there was a missile a block away from my cousin's house! my cousin and his wife are both fine but his wife is right now having a panic attack..

my life, israel, missiles, bombings, politics

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