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no_genre May 31 2009, 16:48:21 UTC
Youngbae constantly contemplates on the mess they leave all over the apartment. On the walls, on the couch, the kitchen counter, the bathroom, the laundry room and he got especially mad after he took a look at his own bed that one time…
damn tabiri sure gets busy :O & bae suffers finding their mess & having to clean it up D:

Magnae just curtly replied with a cute what better way to prove your love than through sex? Neh? Youngbae almost face palmed himself that exact moment but took in turn to abuse the magnae instead, instantly regretting it when Seunghyun was within earshot of Seungri’s distressed wails and bonked him on the head for it, continuing with the encouragement of Seungri’s fake sobbing.
kekekeke Seunghyun protects his baby :D & ri's fake sobbing :p
ri oh ri an your explanation of why you do it so much

poor bae he has to clean up their mess D;
ahahahaha tabiri is fail lol "ghost maid"
“Well, your not doing a very good job are you?”
ahahahahaha ri

i love tabiri crack :DDD
i am a G-TOP shipper but i AM REALLY REALLY starting to like tabiri D:
& it's partially your fault......[>_____<];;


engraved_16 May 31 2009, 23:54:30 UTC
*o* your quoting spam :DDDDDDDDD!!
LOL, well it amkes it easier for TabiRi since they live together :333

teehee :DDDDDDD of course Seunghyun does *-*, lol isnt that why ppl do it so much, or coz its fun xDDD

GHOST MAID'S ARE REAL!! ^o^ Heechul has one :~D

-evil grin- i needs you to come over to our side lol or be a double agent for both pairs hahahah
-huggles you-

Thanks for reading~! &hearts


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