Slow and steady wins the race.

Nov 08, 2005 20:28

Except when the race has a one-month time limit, and a word-count requirement.

I'm really happy with what I have down so far, though, sparse as it may be. Any of you smartypantses know of a good way to cut loose and just barf out words, and not worry so much about getting them right the first time? (And if you say "Just cut loose and barf out words and don't worry so much about getting them right the first time," I will cut you.)

I think one natural limit here is that my plot will not sustain an entire novel anyway. If I can get this project finished in the month of November, I'll be pretty pleased, even if it isn't 50K words. I think that's reasonable. This is an idea I had years back, which I have started and stopped twice already. The first time, I only got a paragraph out before crumpling it up and discarding it for a couple of years. The next time I got a little further, but hated the results as much as I did the first time. The concept is more of a long short-story than a short novel. And if I can get it all out now, maybe I could see a way to expand it later.

So-- due to these limitations and its naturally low place on the totem pole of priorities, it's slow going. But, and I'm surprising myself a little bit here, this is okay.
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