Jun 26, 2006 00:24
today nothing special happened. except I talked to my old boyfriend on MSN messenger. I haven't seen him in a year and a half since he moved away. I saw him on the webcam and he looks so much older than last time I saw him. I forgot to ask him how tall he is. It was great talking to him. He's really funny and he's a huge RHCP fan so we had lots to discuss :)
Also notice how I've changed my default icon cus I'm kinda pissed off at Anthony Kiedis since he's into kabalahblaaaaah nowadays. Now I have Charlie Hunnam instead since he's smart enough not to allow himself to get brainwashed! Nice pic too. I was kinda bummed out to change it since it was such a fucking awesome pic of anth but this pic of Charlie is just as awesome and I'm not bummed out at all now! :D hihihh I am very pleased with it.
What's a hedgehog?
kim prooy