
Sep 07, 2006 15:48

i forgot to say that yesterday Ville (hot teacher) talked about PRISON BREAK!! in filmhistory class yesterday he asked if anyone had seen Prison Break (cus we were discussing something that had to do with Michaels "disorder" or whatever it is) and I SHOUTED, I kid you not, "I HAVE!! I LOVE PRISON BREAK!!" hahaha it was embassaring hahahaha but funny. XD I was SO happy for at least 15 minutes cus of the fact that he actually watches PRISON BREAK! AAAAH!! I love him! we had a little chat today cus they check with everyone that they like it here and don't miss home to much. now, this guy is very serious so when he asked mee if I had found friends I said yes and smiled abit but he NEVER smiles back and it's a little disturbing..... but it was nice to be alone with him in a room... heh heh ;)

We finished writing our scripts today but I wasn't really up for it so I made the ending an epiloge instead. hahhaha. I thought it was pretty funny cus I named two characters after my teachers (Ville and Arvid) and something weird happened to them that was like a suuuper american movie HAHAHA

we also had editing excercises today and it was fun!! they teamed me up with a guy called Minik . I didn't like him at first cus I thought he was arrogant but he's not. first impressions are rarly right, my peoples. anyways we had a lot of fun puting a track to it and we tried the imperial march from star wars! LOL they film was a guy walking up a flight of stairs and then looking at a clock then a shot of a guy looking at him from behind something cus he had stolen the first guys CANDY BAR!! HAHA my teachers filmed it and they apparantly had a lot of fun too vus they were laughing like maniacs! haha. one of them said to they guy walking op the stairs "one more time with a little more angst" HAHAHAH lmao

soon i'm going eating at mcdonalds with a girl from school. the people i live with are going out tonight but i probably won't come cus i probably won't get in.. i'm not 18 yet .. arggh!! fuck know what the hell i'll do instead.. everyone in school is going home cus we have tomorrow off school. but my dad isn't home so i won't be going home. the party they are going to is this custume thing and two guys that are really funny are going as siamease twin cowboys! HAHA they are making their own costumes and everything! bahah

ville, going out, mcdonalds, school, home, prison break

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