Jan 05, 2007 20:30
It was nice to have the family up for a fortnight over christmas, but it was great to have the house to myself when they went home last weekend. My Niece gave me her cold, which I am still trying to shake off 14 days after catching it. (So if I sound a little nasal, you know why - haha)
My bike is booked in for a 23000 mile service at the end of the month, ready for aprils trip. J has fitted new tyres, brake pads, chain and sprockets and a new radiator on his Honda Blackbird as well as carrying out an oil change for his preparation.
I have an orthodontists appointment on wednesday for a consultation on some cosmetic work. At least I will get an idea on the cost of the work.
I am still single, but the future looks bright as I have been shown plenty of interest lately.
Just finished reading Around the world in 80 dates by Jennifer Cox. Now I am reading Jupiters Travels by Ted Simon.