2. What facilitated (?) and what constrained synchronous small group work today? Please select all the choices that apply and provide explanations in the comment boxes if possible.
* the IT factor (?)
A. facilitated B. rather facilitated than constrained C. rather constrained than facilitated D. constrained
RATE the following according to your perceptions
audio quality A. excellent B. good C. could be better D. poor
synchronization A. excellent B. good C. could be faster D. too slow/poor
navigation/buttons/controls A. confusing/unclear B. too complex C. complex but adequate D. easy and adequate
какие ещё критерии добавить сразу и по каким параметрам оценивать?
менять ли названия опций для тех критериев, что уже есть?
//comment box//
* the task itself (?)
A. facilitated B. rather facilitated than constrained C. rather constrained than facilitated D. constrained
RATE the following according to your perceptions
instructions A. confusing/unclear B. too complex C. complex but adequate D. very clear
the total duration of the lesson A. too short B. the right length C. could be shorter D. too long
time per turn/question A. too much B. enough C. could be more D. too little
the number of participants A. too few B. the right number C. could be fewer D. too many
level of difficulty A. too easy B. the right level C. rather difficult D. very difficult
content A. very interesting B. interesting C. quite boring D. very boring
какие ещё критерии добавить сразу и по каким параметрам оценивать?
менять ли названия опций для тех критериев, что уже есть?
//comment box//
* the participants (?)
A. facilitated B. rather facilitated than constrained C. rather constrained than facilitated D. constrained
что бы тут написать такого?
//comment box//
* other (?)
а тут как быть?
//comment box//