Nov 26, 2004 15:44
yeah naki i stole this...sorry...*hugs*...yeah thanksgiving..hahahaha..funfun....i make damn good drinks..hahaha..more on that later...
~ Name: offically?...sarah massone....(hate that name) called many things...ayame..kitty...ect.
~ Birthdate: January 18th, 1988
~ Birthplace: New Brunswick New Jersey
~ Current Location: New Jersey...damnit
~ Eye Color: blue/gray/green...think the ocean
~ Hair Color: brunette
~ Righty or Lefty: Righty
~ Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
~ Innie or Outtie: Innie
~ The shoes you wore today: ridding boots
~ Your fears: loosing those i care about most
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
~ Your most overused phrase: ssdd....lifes a bitch and then you die...MANIFEST THAT MUDDAFUCKA
~ Your thoughts first waking up: goddamnit...i am still here
~ The first thing you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
~ Your best physical feature: uhmmm...dont have one...
~ Your bedtime: bedtime? taht the things where you lay down of taht comfy looking thing and do that rest thing?....humm...never tried it...been meaning to though....
~ Your most missed memory: too many to count...sigh..yeah...i miss a lot of things
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
~ Pepsi or coke: coke with lemon..actually...rum and coke...
~ McDonald's or Burger King: niether....
~ Single or group dates: humm...single
~ Adidas or Nike: VANS....actually..being barefoot...
~ Chocolate or vanilla: both....but chocolate is sooooo good...
~ Cappuccino or coffee: coffe
-------------DO YOU------------------
~ Smoke: uhmmm..pleads the fifth
~ Cuss: like a fucking sailor..bitch....hehehe...
~ Take a shower everyday: aty least one...i love my shower...*hugs shower*.....
~ Have a crush(es): yep....
~ Think you've been in love: YES...*giggles uncontrollably*...
~ Want to go to college: HELL YEAH BITCH..get me the hell outa here...
~ Liked high school: you are joking right?...please tell me that there arent really people out there that actually like that hell?...
~ Want to get married: fact...uhmm yeah ending that thought before it starts....
~ Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: sometimes
~ Believe in yourself: yep...most days....
~ Get motion sickness: nope...i aint no land lubbing freak..bitch..i was raised on the high seas damnit....
~ Think you're
~ Think you're a health freak: yep
~ Get along with your parents: uhmm...sometimes
~ Like thunderstorms: *drools* em...absolutly adore them..especaly the ones at the beach..*faints with joy*
~ Play an instrument: uhmmm...kinda...
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------
~ Go to the mall:
~ Eaten sushi: yes..yes...
~ Been on stage:sorta...does stage crew count?...
~ Had sex: no...sigh...
~ Been dumped: NOPE...5 months Bitch...hahahaha
~ Gone skating: no
~ Dyed your hair: no
~ Stolen anything: uhmmmm..accidently....
-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
~ Flown on a plane: yeah...
~ Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yep...heheh...*giggles*
~ Cried during a Movie?: yes..sadly...
~ Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no....i can hadle my liquor quite well thank you...i am irish so yeah..comes with the blood...
~ Been caught "doing something": hahaha...very nearly..
~ Gotten beaten up?: no way in hell...i am the one that leaves marks..i am the one who picks fights and i win them...
~ Been in a fight: yeah....hehheeheh...
----------------THE FUTURE------------------
~ Age you hope to be married: 24ish
~ How many kids do you want and what names would you name them?: 1...maybe....i would want a daughter...if i got it in my head to have one....i would either name her morgaine..rhianna..or ayame...or the names i wished i had..dont you feel bad for any spawn of mine?...hahhahaah
~ Describe your Dream Wedding: Mm.. uhmmm...good question...small...outdoors(beach or woods)..perferably in the fall...or spring....very natural...a nontradtional wedding....yeah..uhmmm...would want to wear a midevil dress cuz i am a freak...hehahah...pagan...uhmm..hahah..too many ideas...
~ How do you want to die?: peacefully when i am old..or ridding when i am young....
~ What do you want to be when you grow up?: no fucking clue....a bum?...hermit?...
~ What country would you most like to visit?: shite only one?...britian/irland..all of america...AFRICA...uhmmm...hahha the whole world..on foot...hahahah...
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
~ Best eye color: dark
~ Best hair color: black
~ Short or long hair: longish...hehehe..i like to run my fingers through it...
~ Best height: uhmm a couple inches taller then me...
~ Best weight: uhmm..hummm...leanish with muscle...
~ Best date location: on the night...hehehehe....
~ Best kiss location(on body): ...neck...and certain areas a little father down...hehehehe...
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
~ Number of people I could trust with my life: close friends..
~ Number of CDs that I own: no clue...and i am not counting them...
~ Number of piercings: standard ear peicring..but i want a ton more...hehhe..tongue and such..
~ Number of tattoos: no but want some celtic knotwork on my back..
~ Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: cant remember....
~ Number of scars on my body: too many to count...
~ Number of things in my past that I regret: loosing touch with lauren and a couple other poeople...not taking classes..not switching schools when i had the chance(art school in new hope)....yeah...fucking things up with joey and them all..
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
~ Wearing: jeans...tank top..
~ Drinking: planing on going out to get some of the left over booze from last night...
~ Thinking about: my homework asignment...
~ Listening to: pj harvey..manson...and other random shit...
---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
~ Cried: uhmmm..kinda....
~ Worn jeans: yep...
~ Met someone new online: nope
~ Done laundry:yes
~ Drove a car: nope
~ Talked on the phone: no
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
~ Yourself: kinda
~ Your friends: most..trying to believe in the rest
~ Santa Claus: uhmmm....i wish i still could...sigh i want to be a kid again...
~ Destiny/Fate: yes
~ God: belifes are idealized and confusing..i belive in god in a very loose sense of the term "god"...
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
~ Do you ever wish you had another name?: yes..morgaine...rhianna...ayame...autum...and yeah...haha,,
~ Who have you known the longest of your friends?: uhmm..techincally...TORY...hahah..pcns...
~ Are you close to any family members?: a very odd sense of the word...
~ When have you cried the most?: uhmmm...when i was younger and family shite was going on..then i learned not to feel...
~ What's the best feeling in the world?: uhmm..being loved...
~ Worst Feeling?: feeling empty....
~ What time is it now? 4:24 pm