Rock 'n' Revolt

Feb 28, 2010 21:46

       Music evokes some kind of emotion on people. If it is dance music it will get you doing the fist pump. If it is rock it will get you pumped up for something. In fact the US military uses modern rock music in the back ground as solders fight. Why does Music have such an impact on people? All I know is it brings about some emotion. In the essay, “Rock ‘n’ Revolt,” Isabelle Leymarie tries to explain the relationship between music and violence.

"Rock, a musical and social phenomenon of unprecedented scope and intensity, raises in acute form the question of the relationship between music and violence." Leymarie uses examples of rock stars that have died from rock music or caused violence. Stars such as Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin died of drug overdoses. “Fans of Metallica and guns and roses have burned cars,” they also wrecked a stadium in Montreal. “Hell’s Angels roughed up spectators during a rolling stone concert.” Mick Jagger says “something like this happens every time I play that song.” By using theses examples, Leymarie tries to explain the relation ship between music and violence. However she is not quick to say rock music alone causes violence.

Rap and free jazz are also known to cause violence. Classical music such as Handel’s “Saul,” has caused violence. Music with high drum beats is often heard in martial art and hunting music. In fact there are so many forms of music that cause violence that “One could continue the list indefinitely.”

“Noise engenders violence; it can even drive people to suicide. Some artificial noises, especially those which emanate from continuous-frequency engines, have been found to have a pathological effect on the body's cellular structure, and can sometimes cause cancer, while natural sounds, like those of waves, the warbling of birds and certain types of classical or African music, can create a sense of well-being and even a healing effect by harmonizing with our biorhythms (75).

“In recent years, the practice of music therapy has enjoyed considerable popularity. Members of the Research Group in Pediatric Anaesthesiology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Paris and doctors in many American hospitals have used carefully selected types of music to reduce their patients' dependency on tranquilizers. In The Burmese Harp (1956), a fine film by the Japanese director Kon Ichikawa, a soldier-musician saps his comrades' will to fight whenever he plays and sings (75).”

“Study of the relationship between music and violence also raises the question of the political aspect of music (75).” Do you ever notice when you go shopping that calm soothing music plays? Is this a strategy to get you to buy more?  Take a look at the Canadian anthem for example do you feel proud every time you hear it? Did you know in North Korea there are radios bolted to the floors of everyone’s house? These radios can’t be turned off just turned down and they play communist music all the time. Obviously Music is has some effect on people and sometimes governments manipulated it for good or bad.

“Musical eurhythmics presupposes both inner and outer harmony, peace with oneself and with the universe. Violence, in its latent form, is an intrinsic part of human nature and of the universe generally. But when violence is unleashed and expressed, often in a paroxysm, in music or other art forms, it is a symptom either of social unrest or of inner imbalance or torment, emotional deprivation and arrested development (77).”

Leymarie’s audience for this essay would be for anyone but in particular the musically educated bunch.  She uses words like eurhythmics and paroxysm which would catch the attention of musicians.

Leymarie’s purpose if not already said above is to see how music affects people and society.

The tone is serious and I got an educated vibe as I read this essay. The essay was defiantly objective because she lists all types of music that cause violence not just rock. Leymarie is very well educated too. She holds a Ph.D from Columbia University. The author is defiantly credible.

Is there anybody who knows somebody who doesn’t like music? What kind of music do you listen to and why?
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