She's on the move!

Jun 15, 2012 21:14

I was informed this morning that Cordelia was breaking land speed records. She does some proper crawling now, but moves however she must to get where she wants to go. She will move from the living room into the kitchen if that is where the rest of us are.

Yesterday she chased a boy around at nursery all day. She moved to wherever he was, and if she couldn't get there (at one point there was a high chair blocking her way) she became very frustrated.

For dinner last night she enjoyed pork tenderloin and broccoli. She had leftover broccoli for lunch at nursery and it sounds like it was very entertaining. The nursery had their end of the year pot luck where she had a good portion of hot dog and some strawberries. She made funny faces at the feta cheese and the watermelon came shooting back out of her mouth after she gummed it a bit (into two pieces in fact) and got it caught in the wrong place for a moment. She was quite intent on getting my plate.

She can now sort of drink from a sippy cup. Since we've been giving her food, her poos have become rather solid. She had two prunes two days ago and they really did their job yesterday. Especially since she seemed to enjoy them, I will give one to her every other day or so and see if it keeps her regular. In addition, I plan to give her water. She tries chewing on the cup, but is starting to figure it out. Keeping the water in her mouth long enough to swallow is a different story.

We don't really have to worry about her sitting anymore either. In the living room, I tend to place a blanket crumpled up behind her mainly because our floors are hard (no carpet), but she is more likely to go over forward as she is reaching for something, or wanting to crawl. She can catch herself that way and it is good for her to learn to transition from sitting to crawling and back.

The past couple mornings she has been waking at 6am. We would really like to discourage this. I will buy larger diapers tomorrow since her current diapers are very wet in the morning and may be what wakes her. She is usually tired an hour or so after she wakes. I'd rather her sleep longer then be awake longer.

Her cuteness continues to grow.

Valerie continues to not want to go to bed when she has naps at nursery. She does still love being a big sister and I think she still views Cordelia as a living doll. She wants to give Cordelia a drink from the sippy cup but then doesn't always tip it up so Cordelia can get something or will take it away and say "She doesn't want any more" even if it is obvious (to me) that she does want it. We will work on that.
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