May 24, 2006 00:45
Since the summer semester here in East Lansing has started, I thought maybe that the friends that I had up here in EL would be great to hang out with, having a little more free time than usual. So far I have been disappointed to say the least... I seem to come a close second to every other plan these people have, which doesn't necessarily boost the ol' self esteem, but like a so-called friend says, it's nothing against me. Well whether it is or not, no "friend" should ever be treated like this. I try to make plans with friends, they agree, but then at the last minute, they feel tired, decide they want to do something different that doesn't involve me, or just crap out in some other way... It just doesn't make any sense, why can't we just hang out and have a good time? I'm pretty sure I'm not a downer to hang out with, at least I haven't heard any complaints from anyone, either directly or indirectly... If there is some sort of problem tell me and stop being cowards, just fucking tell me.
I'm sick of all of this, my weekends have, for the most part, gone to waste. While I'm sure that these other people have been living it up with their girlfriends, other friends, or whatever. It is all just such bullshit and I am pretty damn sure that I am not wrong for feeling this way, it has all been happening and no one has done anything to prove me wrong yet, so i'm waiting. If I have a frienship to value, people better start showing it because i'm tired of giving things one way and not getting anything out of it, frienships go both ways, i'm tired of trying all the time to do shit and getting zero effort from friends... It just doesn't make sense.
It all makes me feel so worthless, now that's a feeling a TRUE friend would not want another friend to feel under these circumstances. So i'm waiting for some changes to occur, otherwise I'll have to start driving out to central and kalamazoo every weekend to hang out with people who will actually hang out and not bitch out on me... we'll see what happens, for now I'm bitter as fuck about this.