Nov 17, 2003 18:08
Joy is fulfilling that thing I was created to do, not being successful at doing something. We are to be loyal to whatever ministry we receive from the Lord when we are in the closest contact with Him (in real touch with Him). It is an opportunity to fulfill the ministry He laid on your heart,to know you have done what He sent you to do. Think of the satisfaction
it will be to hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Perservering work in the unseen. Live looking to God. Keep your eyes on God. We are not to dwell on being successful doing something or anything, but to be concerned that we do the some thing (the ministry) God would want us to do. Live a natural life of absolute dependence on Jesus Christ. Be equally
yoked with Him. Like the oxen, when they are "yoked," they must work together they can't go in different directions. They are a team. God wants to go with
us, to be a part of every moment of our life. God takes us out of our own ideas for our lives. Let God have perfect liberty. He will direct your paths
and give you just what you need for the thing you are to do for Him. Our lives should speak of our love for the Lord and tell what He has done in our lives. Our daily life is our best testimony.
When we are in the midst of tribulation, our circumstances, distress, persecutions, tough times, trials we find it hard to feel the joy of the Lord. We
often feel as tho God is not with us, or that He must be punishing us, or He doesn't love us anymore or that we have done some bad thing to cause the predicament we are in. Our way of thinking is way off track. God has not abandoned us, we left Him out of the picture. We are the ones who push Him aside to do what we think we should do. The Lord is the "Son" light and He will shed some light on the situation and will help us through whatever we may be going thru. The Holy Spirit lives in us, He came to dwell in us and He will never leave us nor abandon us. God does not lift us out of our
situation, there is something He wants us to learn, but He will see us thru it, if you will allow Him to demonstrate His power. And when we allow Him
to bring us thru and come out on the other side then there is super-joy of the Lord. Your joy will be overflowing and you will exalt the Lord. Praise God
from whom all blessings flow. God is good! There may be a time when you take your eyes off God, and your faith is not as strong as it should be and you feel that you are at your wits end and have hit rock bottom. At the bottom of the pit is Rock.Christ is the Rock. You can stand on Him. If you are flat on your back, look up and cry out to God, He sees you and feels your pain and says to cast all your cares on Him
because He cares for you. We are not required to pray big, long prayers, sometimes all we have to say is "HELPPPPP!" Lay all your woes, trials, troubles or
whatever you are going thru on the bossom of Christ and He will give you rest for your soul. What you think you cannot fix, He will demonstrate His power and do the fixing if you just let Him have His way. Don't keep a grip on the things you need to let go of. Stand back and see what He can do. Take comfort that in your bed of affliction should it be sickness, tears, poverty,
brokenness, whatever may come on you, that in your bed of affliction, He will smooth thy pillow for thee and He will be with thee. Like the old gnarlings on the root of an old oak tree and the strange twistings of the branches tell of the many storms that have swept over it, and indicate the depth into which the roots have forced their way, the Christian is made strong and
firmly rooted by all the trials and storms of life. He will make a way. If God put the stars in the heavens and hung the earth in space, if He died on the cross, and rose again from the dead, if He did the greater things won't He do the lesser thing? Has He not helped you before, He is not a quitter. You are His work of art, He made only one of you and no one else like you. He loves you, and He wants to show you His love. There may be times when you can not hear Him speaking to you. But He has not abandoned you. He has given us all special gifts and abilities. He knows just who to send your way. He may be wanting to use someone who has
been just where you are at the moment and He may be wanting them to share how He brought them through. Maybe He feels you just need a listening ear, or some word of encouragement. Maybe you need some kind of assistance and you won't ask for help, you feel you are unworthy, but God has abundantly blessed someone and He wants the to share it with you. God wants to see if
they will be faithful and obedient. Their trial may be to help you in your trial. We all have a part in our walk with the Lord. If someone who is suppose to be a Christian sees a brother in need, and won't help him, how can God's love be within him? 1John3:17 Let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them and show it by our actions. The Lord says "tis much for thee to need, but it is nothing for me to
bestow. If thou hadst need of a thousand times as much help, I would give it thee. Thou art nothing but a tiny insect at the door of my "all-sufficiency." Gather up thy wants, thine emptiness, thy woes, thy needs and bring them to me. The Eternal God is thy helper. The Lord is my Shepherd, I have every-
thing I need. A couselor, a physician, a provider, a redeemer, a savior, a shepherd, a guardian, a protector, the lover of my soul, the Almighty God
(nothing to big, nothing to small for Him to do, nothing He can't do), He's the Bright and Morning the dawning of each new day, He will be
there, when I awaken in the morning He will send His light of love and His glory is in all He does for me. He is my Heavenly Father and He throws His arms around me and loves me and calls me His child. Awesome is what He is, Magnificent, Almighty, Wonderful, Prince of Peace,He is my ALL in All. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!
The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need. He is a very present
help in time of trouble. Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. Run after
the Lord, catch hold of Him! The more you know Him the more you love Him.
He has given me a time to live and do. How did I do and how am I doing?
Life is not about living or dying, but doing, being Christ-like, taking on the attributes of Christ (loving, caring, being kind, good, forgiving,
reaching out, compassionate, teaching, listening, finding a hurt and healing it, giving, serving, dying to self and giving life to someone else.
He has an appointed time for me to die. Then I can rest and go home to live with Him. I can rest in the Lord at the end of my journey in this world, but until that time I can rest on the bossom of Christ when I am weary as I go thru the trials, struggles, and tought times of life. I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me. I know the Lord will make a way for me if I live a holy life, if I shun the wrong and do the right.
At the end of my journey what will He say to me..."Mission completed, well done, come on home?" He let His glory shine down on me in all that He did for me, loving me, dying for me, forgiving me, and blessing me abundantly.
Does my life shine back with glory to Him in the life I live and with praise and thanksgiving to Him? Do I do what is pleasing to Him or do I do things merely to please the desires of my heart and myself?
Soon and very soon the "King" is coming. Are you watching? Are you ready?
His appearing is near, I can hear the rustling in the trees. Can you hear it?
Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face, there to sing forever of His saving grace! Do you ever think about what that first moment, that first hour
that first day in Heaven is going to be like" Just to think that He let me even step inside Heaven, to even try to thank Him for loving me-what word can do that? I could thank Him for a million years and it still wouldn't be enough. To think that He might reach out His hand to me and walk me through the Promised Land or sit beside me, it is more than I can comprehend. To
think that He loves me enough that He wants me to live there. God is AWESOME!
What is the desire of your heart? The Lord's desire is that none should perish. Are you reaady for the journey? and have you invited anyone to come along with you? He has room for EVERYONE. Come as you are, present yourself to Him and He will present Himself to you and all that He has for you. He will take you in His arms and will allow you to lay all your cares, woes,
troubles, your past, and "ALL" your sins upon His bossom and He will give you a peace you have never felt in all your time upon this earth. He will give you a refreshing that will flow over you, more refreshing than the gentle rain. You will feel the heavy burden roll off your shoulders, you will feel the heavy weight you have been carrying with you day after day just tumble to the ground. He is waiting for you to invite Him to come to you and when you say "Yes Lord" at that very moment He wipes "ALL" the yuck from your life and comes to live "inside" you and promises never to leave
you nor forsake you. You will "ALWAYS" have Him with you to go with you through everything that may come your way and to be with you at the end of your
journey here on earth.
He never leaves us nor abandons us. We are the ones who push Him aside or leaves Him out of the picture when we chose to do something to please ourselves. But He is always waiting there, just waiting for us to let Him back on the scene and to let Him demonstrate how He can help us and let Him show us what He can do to make things better for us. He wants us to see His power
in our life. We can't fix everything or everyone. The fixing is His job.
He wants so much to show you His love.
Shackled by a heavy burden, neath a load of guilt and shame, Then the hand of Jesus touched me and now I am no longer the same.
Jesus Loves Me, Thank you Lord for saving my soul!
Isn't God an AWESOME God? He's not just mine, He can be yours too.
Have a nice Thanksgiving and may God open the windows of Heaven and bless you abundantly,
with the love of the Lord, Ellen McGill