Jul 26, 2009 06:49
And no, I'm not kidding.
Missed getting into the LOST panel by about 40 or 50 people (out of, oh, 6,000 or so!).
Totally spaced on the Joe Hill w/ Chris Ryall from IDW panel. The con floor is overwhelming, and when we sat to eat we looked at our watches and saw that the panel had just started. Complete space-cadet moment.
THEN, we went to line up for the Joe Hill signing at 2 (signing from 2-3). Got to the line at 2:02 and the line had been filled and closed. FUCK! About 30 minutes or so later we went back near the booth and Chris Ryall saw us and waved (he came to talk to us a couple of weeks ago--he's a friend of Robert Crais). So we talked to Chris about Clarion for a few minutes, and when we mentioned that we'd missed the line, he said that even HE couldn't get us in :( Joe was there with his son and wanted to have fun and not make the kid wait. I can dig it. The kid was patient and, of course, wanted to go see all the cool stuff going on at the con and not have to wait around for his dad to work. But now I have to see if Mysterious Galaxy will take back the copy of 20th Century Ghosts I bought from them yesterday to get signed (I have a copy at home!).
While walking the floor, saw a crowd gather and flashbulbs go off. Peered through the people and saw Leonard F*cking Nimoy signing at a table! Got a pic over the crowd but didn't join the line. They were charging $60 to get a signing.
Saw some crazy costumes. And what was so hilarious is that the con goers took pics of all the costumed people as if the cos people were employees--like at Disneyland or soemthing. We saw Batman and Superman getting pics together, along with all sorts of crazy combinations of characters from totally different comics and films, etc. Some of the costumes are elaborate as hell. Lots of fun.
Am up waaaay early this morning because a few of us are going back to line up for David Tennant and the Dr WHO panel! Wish us luck that we get in :)