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Mar 13, 2005 16:11

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I do believe Padma was...fairly intrigued by Ethan last night. Even after she realized her mistake she was loath to leave him. Interesting, to say the least. I suppose now I'm simply waiting to see how long it will take her to see her intrigue through. Hopefully it will be...fulfilling for her. Though, considering what I know of Mr. Ethan Worthington's endowments, I shouldn't doubt it will be. Very.

Honestly. They just don't make them that way in other Houses...or. I wonder what his brothers are like. Perhaps I'll approach the little Ravenclaw...though from what I've heard, he's fairly well caught, anyway, and I shouldn't disturb the poor boy. I've been told he's easily confused and has something of a problem with stuttering when terribly embarrassed or pressed.

In other news, Draco has yet to receive a detention for his lack of posting in these silly journals, which amuses me to no end, personally. The fact that he has Professor Snape so wrapped around his little finger shouldn't amaze anyone - though I suppose it does. And Tracey was squawking the other day about how unfair it is. I should say - sometimes I agree with her. I'll speak to him again, I suppose. As a Prefect and all that.

Which reminds me. I think we've a Prefect's meeting tomorrow. I wonder if Ms. Vicky Frobisher will be in attendance...considering she's missed the last several...

I've had to oddest urge to fellate someone - anyone, really. It's quite distressing, I must say. I don't know what's becoming of me.


Well, the party last night was lovely...I'm quite proud of all of you for your restraint...Quentin, love. You really should be careful of where you put your sugar bowls, though. Gabriel stepped in one this morning and practically threw a fit, as he was in his socks and there was vodka left in with the sugar. Tsk.

I do hope everyone's Sunday is going quite well...

Does anyone know why Ethan's younger brother is killing people? And who, precisely, is he killing?

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