Sep 28, 2010 12:17
There's this guy at school who constantly makes bad "puns" (usually all he does is translate a word or... I don't even know, it's so unfunny I can't even remember most of what he says) and horrible jokes. He also makes really inappropriate comments that are borderline sexually harrassing. For example, todday (I will refer to him as HIM):
Gay guy: Your tits look huge today!
Me: Yes... I know *hides them with cardigan*
Him: ... I like your shirt
Gay guy: *slaps him*
Me: thank you, you saved me the work of having to do that. He's ALWAYS doing that, and he doesn't get it's annoying!
Him: what? Would you rather me to tell you "you look hot with that shirt!?"*
Me: You are gross
Him: *whispers* Go to hell
Me: Dude! It's the context! He says "your tits look huge," an then you say "I like your shirt." Of course I'm gonna know you're talking about my boobs!
Him: But your shirt's cool *rolls eyes*
Gay guy: yeah, it's cute
Me: But like, this morning this other girl had this shirt on, and she was showing some cleavage, and he told her "your shirt's cool" too!
Him: But that time I WAS talking about her shirt...
Me: SEE!? You admit it! You weren't talking about my shirt!
Now, if this had been the first time he had said my shirt was "cool" I would have just laughed it off. BUT NO. Every single time I wear a shirt or a blouse with some cleavage, he makes that same comment while staring at my breasts. It is NOT. NICE.
There was this one time, when a group picture was posted on facebook, and everybody was commenting on how we were NOT payinig attention in class, and out of a blue he comments "Jane Doe looks hot." It's like, DUDE, WHY do you have to say that!? And then he got all offended and deffensive when we called him on it. He went all "well, next time you're feeling depressed or fat or skinny, I'm not gona tell you you look good."
UGH. It's the wording and the timing dude. THAT'S WHY YOU'RE SINGLE.
There are also these very douchey comments he makes, like:
Me: Be right back, gotta make tinkles
Him: You're gettinig rid of them. You already made them. :D
Me: I don't feel like working right now...
Him: when? When not? :D
Me: I'm cold
Him: Then put on a sweater
(I don't have a sweater) :D
Me: I'm hungry
Him: Then eat something :D
(we're far from the cafeteria and I don't have food with me)
Me: I'm thirsty
Him: Then drink something :D
(we're far from the cafeteria and I don't have liquids with me)
And he started doing this OVER A YEAR AGO. And he repeats it. EVERY. SINGLE. DAMN. TIME. I have asked him to stop because his comments annoy me, BUT HE HASN'T. I've even slapped him, and he still thinks it's funny.
I won't go into his horrible puns because, like I said, I don't even get how he can think something THAT BAD is worth being said out loud. It's like someone says "Those are my rights as a citizen" and he goes "Rights? Or lefts?"
UGH. I'm going to write him an official "cease and desist" letter. See if he GETS it.
* He meant I should be glad he was JUST complimenting the shirt instead of talking about my breasts.