I've been so out of it lately... I don't think I like the internets anymore. Nowadays they seem like a giant vortext of wasted time. I just downloaded all of Cowboy Bebop (and depending on how much I like it I may buy it) and have a couple of books I'd like to read. Not only that, the animation course I've been planning on joining for a year now started on Monday, and it looks like it will be a giant time consumer. I guess I'm also a bit behind on some school stuff.
I feel kind of lonely lately. Like nobody understands me (LOL ADOLESCENCE MUCH!). As in... At school, I'm used to being critical, sarcastic, argumentative and a bitch. And everybody's ok with that (as a matter of fact, we all are kinda like that). We are encouraged to question anything and everything, and that's really cool... But I'm not entirely sure I could trust my classmates with my life if I had too. I mean, I like them and all... but we're not "FRIENDS." And then, there's the animation course. I know we only just started on Monday, and that's not really a long time to have already made friends with them. But I'm already falling on that same pattern of mine again: I make friends with the teacher, not with my classmates. I'm just like... shy around them. Before I used to feel inferior to everybody. Now I feel like I'm smarter/more educated/not a twilight reader/more experienced than everybody and am afraid to come off as the horrible bitch I am. SO INSTEAD I TALK TO NO ONE AND END UP LOOKING LIKE THE HORRIBLE BITCH I AM! Oh the dilema D: ... I'm just a weird kind of shy... the kind that talks a lot...
In other kind-of related news: We watched the movie "Nocturna" today. I think that visually it is PERFECT. However... I found the script to be kind of lame (story-wise). There are so many AWESOME ideas in it... but also so many scenes that turn out to be just plain boring. Partly because of the voice acting (from Spain) and the lack of better sound effects. Also, there are some dialogues that are a tad too cliché and make the characters look OOC.
Here's the trailer in English:
Click to view
I'd recommend it if you're into "PRETTY" stuff, but I will also mention that I am not IN THE LEAST surprised it didn't win any more awards.
But maybe I'm just a bitter old lady...
Peace Out!
I finished playing Ace Attorney: Investigations. My Veredict: EDGEWORTH IS THE GAYEST BIG GAY PROSECUTOR TO HAVE EVER GAYED
I'm fat.