Even Toni Negri used his very repressive long time imprisonment, as a professor of laws, which was even more unjustified, for a very important study on SPINOZA: "The wild anomaly" is the title of the book, comprehending being in and as forcres. I think, "wild anomly" is the right philosophy, psychology, ontology, sociology, politics, the right name for what "Pussy riots" and the precedessors and allies are doing and are and like to be. Theologicians hate Spinoza in an almost paranoic way for centuries. And not only theologicians.. Incdeeedhe is real test on the "morality of the intellect", of course thinking about morality itself in the most possible deepest way.
I've been following your story on Change.org and Religion Dispatches. Thank you for speaking up against corrupt state and religious leaders. Like Christ himself, you've spoken the truth, and we're hearing it around the world. Stay strong.
Comments 6
Incdeeedhe is real test on the "morality of the intellect", of course thinking about morality itself in the most possible deepest way.
I am translating this letter into Dutch, but I can't find the Russian original.
Thank you.
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