Жени Кац видела пост про игры (она как раз из Штатов недавно навезла).
Такие ресурсные и простые. Можно запросто дома сварганить из подручных материалов. Я поискала на Амазоне, что еще можно смастерить самостоятельно, а заодно и сопроводить английским. Картинки кликабельны.
1. Нужно подобрать зверятам подходящие ушки.
Можно переделать известную песенку:
Oh where, oh where has my little dog ear gone?
Oh where, oh where can it be?
With his ears so short and his tail so long It is soft and brown, I use it all year round
Oh where, oh where is he can it be?
... it is long and grey and I need it all day
... it has triangle shape how could it escape
2. Я так понимаю, что в зависимости от цвета на выпавшей грани кубика растет гусеничка. Надо прикинуть, как в рее играть на скорость.
Caterpillar, Caterpillar
(to the tune of "Motor Boat, Motor Boat")
Caterpillar, caterpillar, long and slow.
Caterpillar, caterpillar eat and grow.
Caterpillar, caterpillar close your eyes.
Caterpillar, caterpillar change your size.
Caterpillar, caterpillar where'd you go?
3. Какой цвет выпадает на кубика, такой игрок должен свою мышь быстро утащить с игрового поля, пока ведущий-кошка крышечкой не поймал ее.
Во время игры можно приговаривать простые стишки (первое, что мне в голову пришло):
Little Mouse, little Mouse,
Where is your house?
Little Cat, little Cat
I have no flat
I am a poor mouse
I have no house.
The Cat and the Mouse
Play in the house.
The cat is red, the mouse is grey.
They like to play.
The cat is cunning in the game,
He catches the mouse
And takes her tail.
И добавлять в конце что-то типа
Here is blue I cought you
Here is red the cat is ahead/ you are dead
Here is yellow run/hide little fellow
Here is purple run off the circle
Here is green run unseen/ off the scene!
4. Два кубика кидают одновременно. Выпадает 2 цвета, нужно быстро найти бабочку, на которой присутствуют эти цвета.
Fly, fly, fly, the butterfly,
In the meadow is flying high.
In the garden is flying low,
Fly, fly, fly, the butterfly.
The Butterfly song
(to the tune of "Up on the Housetop")
First comes a butterfly and lays an egg,
Out comes a caterpillar with many legs,
Oh see the caterpillar spin and spin,
A little chrysalis to sleep in.
Oh, oh ,oh wait and see
oh oh oh wait and see
Out of the chrysalis,my oh my
out comes a pretty butterfly.
Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar
(to the tune of "The Incy Wincy Spider")
Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar
in the garden creeps.
He spins himself a blanket
and soon falls fast asleep.
Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar
wakes up by and by
To find he has wings of beauty,
changed to a butterfly.
Mr. Butterfly
Butterflly, butterfly, where do you fly?
Where do you go alone?
Is it for flowers and honey you spy?
Have you a home of your own?
What is your name?
Do you live in the wood?
And what do you come to see?
Dear Mr. Butterfly, won't you tell
Your secrets to someone like me?
Или вот из этой песенки взять первые 4 строчки
Good Morning Butterfly
Way up in the sky
The butterflies fly.
While down in their nests
The butterflies rest.
With a wing to the left
And a wing to the right
The sweet little butterflies
Sleep all through the night.
SH-h-h-h they're sleeping.
The bright sun comes up.
The dew falls away.
Good morning, good morning
The butterflies say.