Apr 11, 2005 14:55
Well, it's Monday again. The weekend flew by. I have been working Mon. through Fri. instead of having Wed. off like usual. It's just to bring in extra money. Same reason Dave's working night watch two nights a week. Anyway, without my midweek day off I don't have a lot of time to get stuff done and it makes the weekends not as relaxed. Oh well, we need money to survive. We won't have any income in May but we still have to pay for our rent for the whole month of May which is a bummer. Once we get to camp we shouldn't have any monthly bills though. Praise the Lord!
My left elbow has been doing really well lately. I hope I don't jinx myself. It seems like every time I brag about no pain the pain always comes back. Anyway, it's been nice. I have been doing a lot with it and exercising without pampering it too much and it's still not acting up. YEA!!
We're still in limbo about the future which is hard on Dave. I know God has a plan and we've lived off of hardly nothing for over 2 years. I know we can do it for longer if we need to. But I think Dave feels like he has to step into the "provider" role as soon as he graduates and is afraid he won't have a job right away. Ya know, a great high paying job would be nice but it's not necessity. I don't mind being poor as long as I have my husband. I appreciate Dave and his caring heart. I know he wants to take care of me and any children the Lord might give us to the best of his ability. He's a sweetheart! Anyway, we could use your prayers. The biggest thing is that we will trust the Lord to be our provider. Also, that we will be patient and wait on His timing. I am blessed to have a heavenly Father and a wonderful husband to live out my days with.
Oh we found out that my brother Greg, his wife Andrea and their son Ryley are for sure coming to graduation! Also, my sister Amy, her husband Matthew and their son Ethan (who live in Indiana) are coming! YEA! This means so much to Dave. I'm glad it'll all work out. Amy and Ethan will be traveling to CO with us following the graduation. They'll ride the train back after a visit with the family in CO. It'll be nice to have some extra company on the trip. With a uhaul it'll take us a lot more than 17 hours.
I best be going. . . love ya all